CFP: Special Issue: E-Diasporas, Living Digitally
SUBMISSION DUE DATE: 1 September 2015
PUBLICATION: International Journal of E-Politics
With the growth of international (im)migration and work through digital
space across time zones and in the last decade, the Internet and related
wireless and mobile technologies have become crucial for members of various
diasporic communities seeking to connect with both their countries of
origin and their host nations.
Connections are established not only through social media and email, but also through money transfers, philanthropy and business, gaming and related virtual environments. For instance Internet use facilitates information gathering efforts of (im)migrants searching for potential host countries, assist (im)migrants’ acculturation practices after migration, and advance the socio-economic development of diasporic subjects and those they may have left behind. In addition, we also have new forms of digital diaspora that occur through offshore labor forces that have their bodies in their “home” nations but work in time zones and relational socio-financial and organizational spaces that exist “in
The co-editors of this special issue aims to understand the rhizomatic nature of migrant communities in a twenty-first century climate where the increasing use of online spaces influences the creation of diaspora politics, identity formation (or reclamation in the new nation), and the conception of new meanings of the terms ‘home’ and ‘homeland.’ Thus, this issue endeavors to expand ongoing conversations about dispersed global communities and the ways they relate with communications and information technologies. The International Journal of E-Politics is interdisciplinary so we welcome any disciplinary, theoretical or methodological approach.
Potential topics include, but are not limited to:
● Emerging or new definitions of ‘e-diasporas’
● Mobile money, financial investments, debt and e-diasporas
● The meaning of ‘home’ for dispersed populations
● The differences between ‘digital diasporas’ and ‘e-diasporas’
● Post-colonial and subaltern ‘e-diasporas’ (Dalit, Roma, etc.)
● Online communities for leisure or play (film viewing and discussions
in online spaces, gaming, creating hobby guilds, etc.)
● Political participation in ‘e-diasporas’
● The use of online spaces to create (social and political)
communities in the host nation
● Identity construction and the Internet
● Usage of social media to ‘click and connect’ with ‘home’
Researchers from any field of enquiry that deals with e-diasporas broadly
defined are invited to submit papers for this themed issue.
All submissions are due by September 1, 2015.
All queries to:
Radhika Gajjala,
Tori Arthur,
Full papers to be submitted electronically: