Precarious Aesthetics: A Berkeley Conference

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The Berkeley Center for New Media in collaboration with the Department of Film & Media will present Precarious Aesthetics: A Berkeley Conference. The conference will take place October 15-17, 2015, 9am-5pm in Sutardja Dia Hall at UC Berkeley and will examine the historical, theoretical, and philosophical implications of technological advances that “invite us to see the world, but through a lens that obstructs our vision to dazzling effect.”

Key note speakers will include: 

tom gunning   Tom Gunning, University of Chicago

christineross   Christine Ross, McGill University

abigaildekosnik   Abigail De Kosnik, UC Berkeley

jeffreyskoller   Jeffrey Skoller, UC Berkeley

jacobgaboury   Jacob Gaboury, Stony Brook University

wjtmitchell   W.J.T. Mitchell, University of Chicago

martinjay   Martin Jay, UC Berkeley

basmaalsharif   Basma Alsharif

For more information, visit:


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