UT Dallas Seeks Assistant/Associate Professor of Game Studies

UTDallas_Logo.svgThe School of Arts, Technology and Emerging Communication at the University of Texas: Dallas is seeking an Assistant or Associate Professor of Game Studies. Candidates must hold a PhD of MFA at time of appointment. Areas of expertise may include but are not limited to: digital game studies, game development, serious games, educational games and learning, virtual and/or augmented reality, philosophy of technology, new or comparative media studies, games and the humanities, digital humanities, interactive narrative, and play studies. The successful applicant will enhance and contribute to the numerous ongoing research projects in Arts and Technology.

utdallassealQualifications for Assistant or Associate Professor in Game Studies:

  • PhD or MFA in appropriate field (at time of appointment)
  • A record of scholarly publicat ion and/or funded research suffi cient to merit appointment
  • Commitment to collaborative, interdisciplinary education promoting the convergence of the arts and humanities with advanced digital technology and engineering

Review of applications will begin immediately and continues until position is filled. The search committee will not consider incomplete applications. Qualified applicants could receive a joint appointment in one of the program’s partnering Schools.The appointment for the position will begin August 1, 2016. Indication of gender and ethnicity for affirmative action statistical purposes is requested as part of the application.

Please upload application letter, curriculum vitae, statement of teaching phi losophy, transcript of terminal degree, and at least three (for Assistant Prof. position) to five (for tenured position) recent letters of recommendation via the ONLINE APPLICATION FORM.

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