Online Education Session: Learners as Creators

Learners as CreatorsMaking and Makerspaces in Museums and Libraries: A Framework to Support Learning

March 1st, 2016 at 12 PM Central

$125 or Free for NMC Members

Over the past few years, makerspaces have emerged in many learning-focused settings, including museums and libraries, generating a surge of interest worldwide. People of all ages are putting their ideas into action by modeling, prototyping, iterating, and creating using a range of technologies and tools, such as 3D printing. The rise of these creative environments has also raised important questions around professional development, evaluation, sustainability, and institutional philosophies of making. This online session will introduce a framework for designing makerspaces and maker programs, allocating resources, and evaluating evidence of learning. As the panel shares promising practices, challenges, and opportunities, you will gain a better understanding of how the framework could be adapted in your setting.

Learning Objective 1: The participants will learn about the scope and nature of support that IMLS provides for making and learning in museums and libraries nationwide and how that aligns to their overall focus areas.

Learning Objective 2: The participants will understand the three components of the framework to support learning in museum and library makerspaces.

Learning Objective 3: The attendees will discern the link between the framework components and the learning that libraries and museums hope to create for participants.

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