Demystifying: Journalism and Silicon Valley
Claire Wardle
Friday, May 27 at 12:00pm to 1:00pm
140 Allen Hall
The past five years have seen the most significant shift in news publishing since the invention of the printing press. Large social media platforms are becoming the principal mechanisms for delivering news to global audiences. What does this new reality mean for the platforms, news organizations and audiences in terms of business models, algorithmic transparency, privacy and ethical frameworks?
Claire Wardle leads the Tow Center’s research exploring the intersection of journalism’s democratic function and the new tools of the digital age. Alongside this, she is the co-founder of Eyewitness Media Hub and a member of the World Economic Forum‘s Global Agenda Council on Social Media.
Claire was previously director of News Services for Storyful, senior social media officer at the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), and a lecturer at Cardiff University, as well as a consultant and trainer on social media. In 2009, Claire designed the social media training programme for BBC news and helped roll it out across the organisation. She subsequently trained over 3,000 people around the world from different media, NGO, Government and academic bodies.