Welcome, New Deans for SOJC and AAA

NMCC would like to welcome Juan-Carlos Molleda, the new Edwin L. Artzt Dean of the School of Journalism and Communication, and Christoph Lindner, the new Dean of the School of Architecture and Allied Arts, to campus!

molledaJuan-Carlos Molleda

“Molleda’s research interests are in global corporate public relations management, public relations practices and regulations, and social roles in Latin America. He has introduced to the international academic community the concept and theory of cross-national conflict and the social roles of public relations in Latin America. He also is active in the professional community—currently a member of the Board of Trustees of the Institute for Public Relations and a founding member of its Commission on Global Public Relations Research. He serves as Latin American liaison of the Public Relations Society of America’s Certification in Education for Public Relations and a board member of the LAGRANT Foundation.”

Christoph Lindnerlindner2

“In his research and teaching, he is particularly interested in the interrelations between cities, globalization, and issues of political ecology, sustainability, and creative practice, which he approaches from a comparative, transnational perspective. He is currently Professor of Media and Culture at the University of Amsterdam, where he directs the ASCA Cities Project. He is also the founding Director of the Netherlands Institute for Cultural Analysis (NICA) and a member of the Amsterdam Center for Globalization Studies (ACGS). From 2010-2014, he was Director of the Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis (ASCA), a research institute and doctoral school focused on the interdisciplinary study of contemporary society, politics, and culture. In addition, he has held visiting appointments at various universities internationally, including New York University, The New School, University of California-Berkeley, University of Edinburgh, University of Freiburg, Queen Mary University of London, University of Venice, and the University of London Institute in Paris.

His recent book publications include Imagining New York City (Oxford University Press, 2015), as well as the edited volumes Global Garbage (Routledge, 2016), Cities Interrupted: Visual Culture and Urban Space (Bloomsbury, 2016), Inert Cities: Globalization, Mobility and Suspension in Visual Culture (I.B. Tauris, 2014), and Paris-Amsterdam Underground (Amsterdam University Press, 2013). He is currently working on a new book titled Slow: Decelerated Living in an Accelerating World (under contract with Verso).

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