Editor ACI Scholarly Blog Index (Virtual, Telecommuting)


Can you edit? Do you blog and/or Tweet and use social media for engagement?

ACI Information Group is looking for an energetic, detail-oriented, social media savvy editor to join our research team to edit and approve blogs for an authoritative collection of scholarly blogs to be included in a web-based product for academic libraries and researchers–ACI Scholarly Blog Index. In addition to approving blogs, QA the product and Tweet about interesting blogs and trends to help build the social presence of ACI Scholarly Blog Index on the web.

The ACI Scholarly Blog Index is a collection of editorially created abstracts and full-text of scholarly and authoritative blog articles from experts in all fields of science, social sciences, and the humanities. The Index is published by the ACI Information Group, LLC, the leading provider of full-text authoritative content (news, blogs, Twitter tweets, videos, etc.) for syndication to the academic, financial, corporate, and government markets.”

This is a virtual, paid hourly position, approximately 20- 30-hour/week, performing research and approving the work of a team of researchers. The position is ideal for librarians with academic library, scholarly press, or library vendor experience.

Responsibilities –

  • Approving the blogs selected by the research team
  • Determining subject coverage and reviewing Library of Congress Classifications for accuracy
  • Enforcing editorial and product guidelines ensuring data quality
  • QA the product on occasion and Tweet about blogs and trends
  • Review and approve scholarly blogs and metadata, including LC Class and the author’s social connections, for inclusion in the ACI Scholarly Blog Index.
  • Review and approve the work of a virtual team of web researchers, many of whom are librarians and subject matter experts, as they select scholarly blogs and add metadata as described above. Correct incomplete entries and periodically update blog selections.
  • Determine subject coverage by LC Classification and focus researchers on growing fields of science, the humanities, and the social sciences. Reassign subject areas for the researchers when they exhaust a topic.
  • Adhere to and enforce editorial and product policies ensuring editorial policies are being followed and content quality is maintained. Knowledge of database operations.
  • QA the product and assist the technical team in testing new features and functionality developed for the ACI Scholarly Blog Index.
  • Tweet about new blogs and trends identified during the research process and help build ACI’s social media presence on the web.


  • Strong academic background, editorial expertise, social media experience.
  • Subject expertise and demonstrated understanding of the academic market and the professional motivations and concerns of faculty and authors in academia.
  • Strong editorial skills; knowledgeable about assigning subject categories and Library of Congress Classifications to scholarly blogs.
  • Social media savvy–Tweet, blog, comment.
  • Library degree from an ALA-accredited library school is a plus.
  • Experience working on virtual teams is a plus.
  • Must be organized, detail-oriented, and able to handle multiple tasks simultaneously.
  • Applicants must use their own hardware (computer, telephone, Internet connection, etc.) Internal and external communications are through ACI’s proprietary systems and Google productivity tools, which will be provided.
  • Independent worker who requires minimal daily supervision.

Please email us a compelling cover letter and resume with at least two examples of scholarly blogs you read.

See more information at : https://chroniclevitae.com/jobs/0000333029-01?cid=VTEIANWDJA#sthash.niikkMr4.dpuf

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