CFP: Hybridity and Monstrosity , at University of Texas
The Arts & Humanities Graduate Student Association of the University of Texas at Dallas will hold its ninth annual RAW: Research, Art, Writing graduate symposium on February 24th and 25th at the UT Dallas campus in Richardson, TX. Organized by and for graduate students, RAW offers students from around the country the opportunity to share their work and ideas with peers across the humanities disciplines.
The theme for this year’s RAW symposium is “Hybridity and Monstrosity.” Hybridity of ideas or organisms is inherently creative, disrupting accepted cultural norms and producing new artifacts that may be mind-expanding, paradigm-shifting, or literally terrifying, but which always raise questions worthy of investigation. We encourage you to submit papers, artwork, or other projects that introduce new theoretical paradigms into the conventional discourse, that uncover the grotesque in the everyday, or that bridge the gap between seemingly incompatible modes of inquiry. We will, of course, also accept proposals for work that occupies the relatively tamer spaces in traditional humanities scholarship.
Keynote speakers: Dr. Nnedi Okorafor and Dr. Stephen T. Asma
Early Acceptance Submission Deadline: November 15, 2016
Final Submission Deadline: December 31, 2016
*find full information and submission details here*
Each interested participant may submit one 200-word abstract for a 15-minute individual presentation and/or one submission of a full panel that includes three to four individual presentations.
Submissions may include, but are not limited to:
- excerpt of an M.A. paper or thesis • excerpt of a seminar paper • excerpt from a dissertation • animation, video, or film projects
- excerpt from a novel, play, or short story
- M.F.A. final project
- selection of poetry
- dance or other performance piece
- art work (paintings, ceramics, drawings, etc.)
- games
There are no limitations on topic, field, genre, or methodology.
All proposals must include the following:
- A complete mailing address, e-mail address, phone number, field, and affiliation of participant
- An abstract of no more than 200 words for the proposed presentation; must include 3 to 5 keywords
- For creative pieces, the medium and space requirements for the work/presentation
- Panel proposals must include a proposal for the panel, a short description of each presentation, and the above information for each participant.
Full-panel proposals have a higher acceptance rate.
Send submissions and questions to (link sends e-mail).
For additional information, see