UO Data Science Initiative and Philosophy Department Data Ethics Candidate Talks Upcoming

The UO Philosophy Department and UO Data Science Initiative are conducing a search for a faculty member in the area of Data Ethics.  Three finalist candidates will be on campus beginning tomorrow (Tuesday, 1/15) to present their research in this area.  The candidates’ job talks on their interdisciplinary research are open to the public — interested NMCC grads (and faculty) are encouraged to attend!

See below for the full schedule:

Daniel Hicks (UC Davis, Data Science Initiative), Tuesday, January, 15th @ 2:00PM-3:30PM – (Knight Library Browsing Room, 1st Floor). The talk is titled “Explainable Machine Learning: An Integrated Epistemic-Ethical Analysis”

Emanuele Ratti (Notre Dame U., Reilly Center for Science, Technology, and Values), Thursday, January, 17th @ 2:00PM-3:30PM –  (Willamette 110). The talk is titled “Epistemic and Contexutal Opacity in Machine Learning”

Ramon Alvarado (University of Kansas, Philosophy), Thursday January, 24th @ 2:00PM-3:30PM –  (Willamette 110). The talk is titled “Epistemic Injustice in Data Science”



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