NMCC Lecture on Mon, Apr 16: Intel’s Melissa Gregg


Please join us next Monday April 16th at 4pm for this year’s NMCC Lecture by anthropologist, author, and Intel researcher Melissa Gregg.  Her lecture, titled “Counterproductive: Time Management in a Knowledge Economy,” will focus on topics of contemporary time management and workplace imperatives of productivity, with special attention to the impacts of technological approaches to organizing our time. In bridging academic work in new media theory and research contributions to the tech industry, Gregg’s thinking charts ambitious new paths through our contemporary technological milieu.


Dr. Gregg’s presentation will be drawing from her in-progress book, Counterproductive: A brief history of time management (forthcoming with Duke University Press). Her previous publications include Work’s Intimacy (Polity, 2011), The Affect Theory Reader (Duke UP, 2010), Cultural Studies’ Affective Voices (Palgrave 2006), numerous articles in The Atlantic, and a contribution to the recent multi-author volume Data: Now Bigger and Better! (Prickly Paradigm Press, 2016).

Melissa Gregg is Principal Engineer and Director of Smart Home Research at Intel.


Following the talk, we will host a catered reception.


This event is sponsored by the New Media and Culture Certificate, the Art & Technology Program, the Graduate School, and the College of Arts & Sciences.


Join us on Monday, April 16th at 4pm in the Knight Library Browsing Room. 



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