CFP Thursday

2018 IIIF Conference – Washington, DC

The 2018 International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) Conference will be held May 21-25 in Washington, DC, co-hosted by the Library of Congress, the Smithsonian Institution, and the Folger Shakespeare Library.

Conference Registration is now available!

Showcase Registration is now available!

What is IIIF?

Embraced by a growing number of the world’s leading research and cultural heritage organizations, IIIF provides an open framework for organizations to publish their image-based resources, to be viewed, cited, annotated and compared by any compatible image-viewing application.

Who is it for?

This event will be valuable for cultural heritage, STEM institutions, repository and collection managers, software engineers; or for anyone engaged with image-based and soon A/V resources on the Web. If you have not been involved with IIIF in the past this is an opportunity to quickly get up to speed and understand the community and its benefits.

What will I learn?

  • How to adopt IIIF at your institution
  • Leveraging open source software to get more out of your collection of images and video
  • Use cases and best practices from IIIF adopters
  • See the latest developments in the community including IIIF A/V

Conference Sponsors

The 2018 conference is generously supported and sponsored by the following:

If you are interested in sponsoring the 2018 IIIF Conference, please see the sponsorship opportunities and get in touch with as soon as possible.

Conference Overview

The conference will be made up of lightning talks, presentations and discussion sessions. There is also optional pre-conference Workshops on Monday. The general schedule will be as follows:

Please also see the full list of accepted presentations.


Stay tuned to the IIIF-Discuss email list for announcements and updates.

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Sexuality and Technology
An Inclusive Interdisciplinary Conference

Saturday 1st December 2018 – Sunday 2nd December 2018

Vienna, Austria

It has become evident that Technology is affecting our Sexuality.  From how we form, maintain, and end relationships to how we seek and have sex, technology has a pervasive impact on every facet of our sexuality. As such, the lexicon of dating has evolved to include terms like swiping left, swiping right, ghosting, breadcrumbing, catfishing, and hatfishing among many others.  Advances in sex toys include smart toys, wearables, artificially intelligent toys, remote controls, virtual reality (VR) pornography, customization with 3-D printing, toys with built in cameras, and advances in sex dolls as some examples.

This conference sets out to investigate the ways in which technology is changing sexuality, as it revolutionizes the ways in which we seek and select partners, shapes the types of encounters we engage in, and re-writes our scripts for erotic action. Spike Jonze’s 2013 film Her pasks an important question in its examination of the unlikely relationship between Theodore and Samantha, the virtual assistant of his operating system.  Samantha asks in the film: “Like are these feelings even real? Or are they just programming?”

Our first interdisciplinary Sexuality and Technology conference seeks to create a lasting network of professionals, practitioners and researchers in all fields related to this topic; to isolate, discuss, and explore the main issues, pressing matters, and recent developments in this field of activity; to identify areas to be subsequently explored in further depth; and to generate collaborative action that will lead to real, lasting change in the way sex and tech is perceived and approached globally. We welcome any relevant and insightful kinds of contribution from classic presentations to proposals for workshops; topics for debates, panels or round tables; brainstorming sessions for creating policy materials or research instruments; sharing of event-appropriate professional or personal experience or new apps, tools, toys, or technologies; or meaningful forms of artistic expression (film, poetry, photography exhibitions etc.)

Some of our suggested main issues to be approached include (but are not limited to):

  • Connection – Is the sex we are engaging in thanks to technology fundamentally different or is technology simply facilitating access to sex and relationships? Are we having more sex, better or worse sex thanks to technology? How is it creating and fostering relationships? What impact are advances in virtual reality creating? How will continued advances in technology impact our relationships?
  • Disconnection – What negative effects has technology had on our romantic relationships; The unplugging by plugging in phenomenon; The “alone together” phenomenon; Technology fails and its impact on relationships
  • Diversity, Inclusion, Exclusion – How has technology helped with diversity and inclusion? How has it amplified exclusion?
  • Managing Risk – Fake profiles, bad dates, the dangers of “proximity dating”; Revenge pornography; Safeguarding sexual history and anonymity on line; Risk management tactics; ‘Catfishing’; Stalking; Creating false meaning; Trolling
  • Online Dating – Historical perspectives of dating in comparison to online dating; Advances in dating apps; Censorship in dating apps; Ghosting; Face to face (FtF) vs virtual communication; Intimacy enhancers or detractors?
  • Online Pornography – Changes in the pornography field due to technology; Advances; Ease of accessibility; Risks; Online sexual compulsivity; Financial Dangers; Desensitization to FtF relationships
  • Sexual Wellness and Health – Sex education and mobile apps; STI management Apps: The advantages and disadvantages of posting STI status on line
  • Sex Work and Technology: Is on-line sexual commerce booming? What impact does technology have on sex work? What policies are needed? What policies are hurting?
  • Sexuality and Affect – How did that hookup really feel? Empowerment/disempowerment narratives; Ghosting and its impact; Virtual versus FtF relationships; Intimacy and vulnerability; Avatars and multiple personas
  • Sexuality, Technology, and Education – How is technology influencing the way we learn about sex in schools, higher education, or in general? Online pornography as sex education.
  • Sexuality, Technology, and Gender – What are the gender and identity issues due to the rise of technology?
  • Sexuality, Technology, and Geography – What cultures seem more willing to experiment? What is it about these cultures which allows this to happen?
  • Sexuality, Technology, and Robots – What advances are being made? How will robots or similar technologies impact our relationships?  Advances or problems in developing new apps, tools, toys, or technologies?
  • Sexuality, Technology, and The Generations – How does technology impact the young versus the old differently?
  • Social Media and Sexuality – What impact does social media have on how sexuality is perceived and viewed?
  • Technology and Sexual Violence: New media’s role in the normalization or prevention of sexual and gendered violence: New forms of sexual and gendered violence via new media and technology; Survivors and media exposure/coverage; Media propaganda upholding state violence
  • Teens, Technology, and Sexuality – Sexting; The criminal distribution of the naked selfie as child pornography; Codes and neologisms (“Netflix and chill”)

We also welcome additional proposal themes related to sexuality and technology.

What to Send

The aim of this interdisciplinary conference and collaborative networking event is to bring people together and encourage creative conversations in the context of a variety of formats: papers, seminars, workshops, performances, poster presentations, panels, q&a’s, roundtables etc.

300 word proposals, presentations, abstracts and other forms of contribution and participation should be submitted by Friday 8th June 2018. Other forms of participation should be discussed in advance with the Organising Chair.

All submissions will be minimally double reviewed, under anonymous (blind) conditions, by a global panel drawn from members of the Project Development Team and the Advisory Board. In practice our procedures usually entail that by the time a proposal is accepted, it will have been triple and quadruple reviewed.

You will be notified of the panel’s decision by Friday 22nd June 2018.

If your submission is accepted for the conference, a full draft of your contribution should be submitted by Friday 19th October 2018.

Abstracts and proposals may be in Word, PDF, RTF or Notepad formats with the following information and in this order:

  1. a) author(s), b) affiliation as you would like it to appear in the programme, c) email address, d) title of proposal, e) body of proposal, f) up to 10 keywords.

E-mails should be entitled: Sexuality and Technology Submission

Where to Send

Abstracts should be submitted simultaneously to the Organising Chair and the Project Administrator:

Organising Chair: Kristine Seitz:

Project Administrator:

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Sexual Violence, Social Movements, and Social Media – Ada: A Journal of Gender, New Media, and Technology


Issue 13 3/4

Co-editors: Pallavi Guha (University of Maryland, College Park), Radhika Gajjala (Bowling Green State University), and Carol Stabile (University of Maryland, College Park)

Over the past decade, social media have facilitated practices of sexual violence (stalking, doxxing, harassment, bullying, revenge porn, genocide, etc.) against socially and economically marginalized individuals and groups. At the same time, social media have allowed survivors and allies to report and draw attention to sexual violence, establishing patterns and sharing testimony about the crimes committed against them. Feminist activists throughout the world have been using social media to draw attention to and fight against sexual violence. Using hashtags on Twitter and Instagram, posting images on Tumblr, blogging, and otherwise circumventing traditional structures of power, protected by media gatekeepers, feminists have enhanced awareness and advocated for change.

This issue invites research and scholarship that examines sexual violence through multiple lenses (including but not limited to race, class, immigration status, caste, gender orientation, religion) on a range of topics related to social media. We are particularly interested in work that contributes to theorizing and working toward social change.

Contributions in formats other than the traditional essay are encouraged; please contact the editor to discuss specifications and/or multimodal contributions. Drawings, sounds, videos that come along with written explanations of their narratives are also welcome.

You can send your proposal as a .pdt or .doc document before the June 25, 2018 deadline. Please use “Ada Issue 13 3/4 Contribution” for your subject line and include the following in the body of your message:

  • Your name and a short biography

  • A 150 word maximum abstract

  • A list of five keywords/tags

  • Preferred email address

  • Citation style used (if applicable)

Complete submissions should be sent by June 25, 2018 to Contributions should be no more than 2,500 words.

About Ada:

Ada is an online, open access, open source, peer-reviewed journal run by feminist media scholars. The journal’s first issue was published online in November 2012. Since that launch, Ada articles have received more than 500,000 page views. Ada operates a review process that combines feminist mentoring with the rigor of peer review. The peer review process is also open and transparent. We have detailed guidelines concerning the review process at the following link and we encourage submitters to take a look before submitting to make sure that they are comfortable with such a  process with public dimensions. For this issue, we will be experimenting with Google docs for our open peer review process.

We do not — and will never — charge fees for publishing your materials. Unlike for-profit journals, you own the copyright for your article. We share your scholarship using the Creative Commons License with which you are most comfortable.

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ACRL 2019 – Recasting the Narrative

April 10-13, Cleveland, OH

ACRL invites you to share your research and creative endeavors with your colleagues at ACRL 2019.

Today’s academic and research libraries are vibrant and fast moving, responding quickly to changes in the higher education landscape. Just as our host city of Cleveland has undergone a revitalization in recent years, library professionals must continually reinvent themselves to stay on the cutting edge.

Join your colleagues in Recasting the Narrative of what it means to be an academic library professional in the 21st century, adapting and leading the transition to new roles.

May 4, 2018

Contributed Paper, Panel, Preconference, Workshop

October 12, 2018

Poster, Roundtable, TechConnect, Webcast

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Call for Associated Researchers to work on 19th – 21st century European historical newspapers

The impresso project is looking for associated researchers working in History, Digital Humanities, Media studies and related fields to work with us on the development of novel tools for the study of historical newspapers. We invite you to bring your field expertise in historical research methodologies. impresso. Media Monitoring of the Past consists of a vibrant, interdisciplinary team of historians, computational linguists, engineers and designers based in Luxembourg and Switzerland.

The project is currently building up a corpus of Swiss, German, Luxembourgish, French and Belgian newspapers starting from the mid-19th century. At this stage, the corpus includes Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Le Temps, the collections of the Swiss National Library, the Luxembourgish National Library as well as collections from a number of other providers of European newspapers. The inclusion of French and German titles is planned. This corpus will be available for associated researchers until the end of the project in 2020.

In addition, associated researchers will have the opportunity to work together closely with our team of computational linguists based at the University of Zürich’s Institute for Computational Linguistics and the DHLAB at the École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) as well as a team of designers and developers based at the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital history (C2DH).

Associated researchers are invited to submit a short description of concrete ideas and research questions which can be addressed with the help of historical newspapers within the impresso corpus. These projects can also complement ongoing research or take the form of graduate theses. An interest in (Swiss) economic history, gender, and media history as well as quantitative methods will be considered as an advantage but is not required.

Limited funding is available for the participation in user workshops; salary costs can however not be covered.

More information about the impresso project is available online:

If you are interested, please send a short abstract with your ideas together with a short bio to

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