Call for Submissions
University of Oregon’s Fifth Annual Data | Media | Digital Graduate Student Symposium
Submissions Due: Friday January 27, 2023
We invite submissions for 15-minute presentations from UO graduate students on any aspect of Data, Media, or Digital Studies for a symposium Friday, April 14th (this is week 2 of spring term), tentatively to be held in UO Library’s DREAM Lab. An annual event co-organized by UO’s Digital Humanities program, the Media Studies program in the School of Journalism & Communication, and the New Media & Culture Certificate, we invite submissions from graduate students in any UO program or department.
Presentations can be based on work in progress or on research and work in the final stages of development. Proposals should specify clear scholarly or pedagogical goals, and should articulate how the design or argument of a data/media/digital project might address those goals. Any kind of data studies, media studies, or digital studies project is welcome (if you aren’t sure if your project fits our call, then it probably does, but please get in touch and we can offer you our guidance).
The Data|Media|Digital Symposium will be an opportunity to showcase the exciting multi-disciplinary work being produced by graduate students across campus. We look forward to sustaining cross-disciplinary conversations and building inter-departmental community over the course of the day. To facilitate this goal, student participants are expected to attend all three panel sessions comprising the symposium (to the extent that their teaching and academic schedules will allow). In addition to panel sessions, we will have informal time for discussion over food and drinks, a hosted lunch, and a panel of short presentations by UO faculty working in these areas.
Submission Details: Enter your submission at https://tinyurl.com/dmd-2023 by the end of day (11:59 PM) on Friday, January 27 (this is week 3 of winter term). The submission form will request an abstract (or executive summary) of your proposed presentation as well as basic information including any relevant research experience (such as conference presentations, publications, etc.). To access the submission form, you will need to be logged in to your UO email account. For your abstract, please prepare a PDF with your name, affiliation, and presentation title at the top. We anticipate this will be an in-person event—if an alternative format is more suitable for presenting your work please propose this in addition to your abstract.
Decisions about all submissions will be conveyed by early February.
Questions about D|M|D can be directed to any member of our co-organizing committee:
Click HERE for a plain-text PDF flyer of this CFP.