NMCC Meet-and-Greet with Wendy Chun
Current NMCC students are invited to a catered reception to meet media scholar Wendy Hui Kyong Chun.
Wednesday, January 7
4:30 to 5:30 pm
Digital Scholarship Center, Room 142 Knight Library
Wendy Chun (Brown University) is the 2014-15 Wayne Morse Chair of Law and Politics. She will be in residence at UO during the Winter quarter 2015 as the anchor scholar for the center’s inquiry on Media and Democracy. She will also be teaching the Habitual New Media course alongside Colin Koopman, in which they will provide graduate students from a range of disciplines with an introduction to, and deeper engagement with, some of the major theoretical approaches to new media as an object of critical inquiry.

She has an interesting background in comparative literature and systems engineering (see a brief article here). Professor Chun has become a world-renowned scholar on the internet, culture and digital media. She is the author of Programmed Visions, Habitual New Media, and Control and Freedom: Power and Paranoia in the Age of Fiber Optics among other books and articles.
To attend the reception please RSVP to Margaret Hallock at hallock@uoregon.edu