Ada/Fembot Peer Review Session

Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Digital Scholarship Center (Knight 142)

On Wednesday, January 21st, Ada (A Journal of Gender, New Media, and Technology) in association with Fembot, will be hosting a peer review session at the Digital Scholarship Center for Ada, Issue 7: Open Call, edited by Carol Stabile (@castabile) and Radhika Gajjala (@cyberdivalivesl)!

Ada is a feminist multimodal journal dedicated to issues of gender in new media and technology. You can check out previous issues of Ada over on the Fembot website, here.

All students are welcome, and pizza will be provided!
Please contact Carol Stabile with any questions regarding the event, or about Ada in general!
For more information about, Ada, Fembot, and the submission guidelines and/or review process for the upcoming Ada issue check out the following links:



Submission Guidelines

Review Process

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