Media Regionalism: Affective Media Geographies

3 p.m., Friday, January 30 l McKenzie Hall Room 129 l Free, Public Lecture.


The Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures (EALL’s)Ā encourages you to attend a presentation by Dr. Thomas LaMarre, Professor of East Asian Studies, a well-known scholar from McGill University. His specialty is Japanese anime.



Thomas LaMarre is Professor of East Asian Studies and Associate in Art History and Communications Studies at McGill University. His books include Shadows on the Screen: Tanizaki Jun’ichiroĢ‚ on Cinema and Oriental Aesthetics (2005), Uncovering Heian Japan: An Archaeology of Sensation and Inscription (2000), and The Anime Machine: A Media Theory of Animation (2009). He works on the editorial boards of positions, Traces, and transtextes/transcultures.


For more information, please contact Dong Hoon Kim, PhD; Assistant Professor, Korean Film, Literature, and Cultural Studies, at

Watch for information on the second EALL Department Head candidate’s presentation in February.


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