Call For Abstracts: Women and Technology Conference at Carleton University
The Women and Technology Conference is a meeting of Ontario scholars
working in applied and technical fields, the natural sciences, humanities,
and social sciences. This year’s meeting will take place in Ottawa, on *June
19, 2015*, with all events being hosted at Carleton University. The goal of
this year’s conference is to highlight scholarship on women in the STEM
fields (i.e., sciences, technology, engineering, and mathematics).
To encourage fruitful discussion across disciplines and between researchers
and professionals, submissions are encouraged from two broad areas:
1. The reality of women’s STEM-related work and studies.
a. Examples of potential presentations within this subject area
include, but are not limited to: challenges of entering STEM fields;
misconceptions about women’s work in STEM fields; historical presentations
of the role of women in STEM fields; and the lived experiences of women
pursuing education and work in STEM fields.
2. Research on issues in STEM-related work and studies that primarily
affect women.
a. Examples of potential presentations within this subject area
include, but are not limited to: increasing the representation of women in
STEM-related education; encouraging greater success for women studying or
working in STEM fields; structural barriers to women in STEM fields; the
impact of social media on women’s interest/participation in STEM fields;
and media (mis)representations of women in STEM fields.
One of the major goals of this conference is to help advance the work of
Ontario scholars by creating an interdisciplinary space for dialogue on
women doing STEM-related studies, research, and work. To help ensure that
these goals are achieved, you are encouraged to tailor your abstract and
presentation to a well-educated audience without expertise in your field.
Submissions reporting on original scholarship and research are preferred.
Presentations not meeting this requirement will be considered on a
case-by-case basis, with preference given to those who have first-hand
experience working at the nexus of women and technology.
*To apply:* please submit a 250-word abstract with 3 keywords/phrases for a
15 minute oral paper presentation to:
*Deadline: March 15, 2015 at 4:00pm EST*
In your submission, please indicate if you require assistance with
childcare. The conference organizers may be able to provide subsidies for
child care and associated costs (e.g., parking and transportation).
For more information, please visit https://womenandtechcu.