UO Libraries Spring Seminar: Data Management for the Social Sciences
“Data Management for the Social Sciences”
Mondays, 4-4:50 p.m. in Knight Library (144 LIB)
Lib 607, CRN:33471
This spring the UO Libraries will be offering “Data Management for the Social Sciences”, a one-credit seminar taught by Victoria Mitchell and Jonathan Cain. This course will also be valuable for students in the Digital Humanities.
Data management is an integral part of the research process and has become a requirement for much grant funded research. This course will help students develop an understanding of data management requirements and guide students in the creation of a data management plan for their research project. Elements covered in the course include:
- File Management
- Metadata
- Intellectual Property and Ethical Considerations
- Digital Preservation & Access
Because assignments will be tailored to individual students’ projects, students are strongly encouraged to have a research project in mind when enrolling in the course.
For more information, contact Victoria Michell (vmitch@uoregon.edu) or Jonathan Cain (jocain@uoregon.edu)