TOMORROW & FRIDAY: 11th Annual Art History Research Symposium “Bodies in the City: Otherness and Urbanism”


KEYNOTE: Thursday, April 23, 2015. 6-7pm,
Ford Lecture Hall,
Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art

Khullar_jacketimage01The 11th annual art history research symposium “Bodies in the City: Otherness and Urbanism begins tomorrow with a keynote address by Doctor Sonal Khullar of the University of Washington. She will give a lecture titled “Scale Drawing: Globalization and Contemporary Art in South Asia.”

Doctor Sonal Khullar is an assistant professor of South Asian art at the University of Washington in Seattle. Her research and teaching focuses on global histories of modern and contemporary art, feminist theory, and postcolonial studies. Her first book, Worldly Affiliations: Artistic Practice, National Identity, and Modernism in India, 1930-1990, will be published by the University of California Press in spring 2015.


Thursday, April 23
Reception at the Ford Lecture Hall, Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art, 4:30-5:30pm

Keynote, 6:00-7:00 pm

 Friday, April 24, 2015

All events on Friday will be held in the Ford Lecture Hall at the Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art.

Student Presentations

Student Presentations will last twenty minutes each, and will be followed by a ten minute question and answer period. Presenters listed in order of appearance.

Morning Session Welcome 10 am

Caroline Parry and Mackenzie Karp, symposium co-chairs

10:15 am-11:15 am
Othered Spaces
Presenters in the first session will explore themes of othered spaces, public or private.
These presentations will address cultural, political and gender issues which are reflected in the domestic spaces of Pompei and in late-nineteenth century smoking rooms.

Welcome and Keynote Introduction

Mackenzie Karp and Caroline Parry, Symposium co-chairs

Sonal Khullar, Assistant Professor, Division of Art History, University of Washington

Title: “Scale Drawing: Globalization and Contemporary Art in South Asia.”

Sara Berkowitz
Constructing Deviance:
Representing the Hermaphrodite in Pompeian Domestic Space Ph.D. Candidate, Art History, University of Maryland, College Park

Katie Loney
Appropriating the “Orient” in the Moorish Smoking Rooms of Cornelius Vanderbilt II M.A. Candidate, Art History, University of Indiana, Bloomington

11:15 am- 12:45 pm
Cultural/Globalized Other:
Presenters in this session will discuss otherness as engaged with cultural identities and global awareness.

Amy Catherine Hulshoff
Francisco Goitia: A New Line of Sight from San Carlos to Oaxaca University of Arizona
M.A. Candidate, Art History, University of Arizona

Catherine Popovici
Ruffled Feather: Indigenous Stereotype and Aesthetic Commodity
M.A. Candidate, Department of Art History, The Pennsylvania State University

Boyoung Chang
Perceiving Oneself as “the Other”: Contemporary Korean Photography’s Exploration of Identity
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Art History, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Lunch Break
12:45 pm – 1:30 pm

Afternoon Session
1:45 pm – 3:45 pm
Gender and Sexual Identities
Presenters in this session will discuss the representation of otherness as an issue of gender and sexuality. Themes addressed in these papers will include queer culture, racial and sexual difference, and feminist history and theory.

Aubrey Hobart
Beyond “Sodomy”: Reading Queer Desire in Colonial Urban Mexican Art
Ph.D. Candidate, History of Art and Visual Culture, The University of California, Santa Cruz

Melanie Saeck
The Haunting Failures of Queer Surrogate Identification: Romaine Brooks’s 1936 Portrait of Carl Van Vechten
Ph.D. Candidate, History of Art and Visual Culture, University of Wisconsin, Madison

Arielle M. Myers
Gendered Nationalisms and Strategic Essentialism in Maja Bajević’s Women At Work – Under Construction
M.A. Candidate, Department of Art History, University of Colorado, Boulder

William J. Simmons
Jeff Koons and Second Wave Feminism
Department of Art History, The Graduate Center, CUNY

3:45 pm – 4:00 pm Closing Remarks

For more details visit the Art History Association’s event page:

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