Digital Frontiers Conference Call For Papers: Extended Deadline!

Deadline extended to May 15!

Digital Frontiers seeks conference submissions that explore creativity and collaboration across disciplinary boundaries in the arena of public humanities and cultural memory for the fourth annual Digital Frontiers Conference and THATCamp, September 17-19, 2015 at the University of Texas at Dallas. Submissions may include individual papers, fully-constituted panels, birds-of-a-feather discussions, hands-on tutorials, or posters. They encourage presentations that incorporate audio-visual/multimedia elements.

Established in 2012 to respond to the need for an affordable, high-quality conference that addressed the emerging field of digital humanities from a variety of perspectives, Digital Frontiers is a truly interdisciplinary experience. The conference brings together scholars and students, librarians and archivists, genealogists and public historians to share their experience of using digital resources in the humanities.

They encourage contributions from anyone who creates or uses digital collections or tools for humanities work, including scholars, educators, genealogists, archivists, technologists, librarians, and students. The conference welcomes submissions from local and regional historical and genealogical societies, and anyone working in the public humanities. The goals of this conference are to bring a broad community of users together to share their work across disciplinary and administrative boundaries, and to explore the value and impact that digital resources have on education and research.

Possible Topics include but are by no means limited to:

  • Specific ways digital libraries have changed the state of humanities research
  • Digital tools and methods for conducting humanities research
  • New media tools for teaching and making in the classroom
  • Using digital collections in the humanities classroom
  • How digital preservation serves humanities research
  • Overcoming faculty resistance to digital humanities projects and resources
  • Theoretical interventions in cultural memory and public humanities (postcolonial DH, queering DH, radical making, etc.)
  • Incorporating DH into the classroom across humanities disciplines (including student perspectives)

Proposal Types

Digital Frontiers is accepting proposals for:

  • Individual papers/presentations
  • Panels
  • Posters (36”w x 48”h)
  • Praxis Notes
  • Birds-of-a-Feather Briefs
  • Hands-on Tutorials & Workshops

Individual Papers/Presentations

Abstracts for twenty minute papers/presentations should be no more than 250 words in length and represent original research (for project updates, please submit Posters; for single-institution “case studies” or best practices recommendations, please submit a Poster or Praxis Note); proposals for fully constituted panels or roundtables should include abstracts for each presentation.


Toward achieving the conference goals, we encourage panels to be organized to represent a range of professional backgrounds and experience.  Proposals that include diverse perspectives (i.e. faculty, students, community members, and/or archivists) will be given preference over homogenous panels. We also encourage alternative panel formats (pecha kucha, lightning talks followed by small group discussions, or others) that will facilitate dialogue and enlarge participation. Panels should represent original research on a common theme (for project updates, please submit Posters; for single-institution “case studies” or best practices recommendations, please submit a Praxis Note). Please submit one 100-word abstract for the overarching panel theme, along with 250-word abstracts for each paper.


Project updates, single-institution case studies, and preliminary research can be presented as an academic poster. Proposals should be in the form of an abstract of 250 words describing the topic to be presented. Please do not submit the final poster! Further guidelines and specifications will be provided upon acceptance. Poster presenters will pitch their poster topic during a “Minute Madness” round followed by a traditional poster session in which presenters can answer questions.

Praxis Notes

Short papers describing single-institution case studies, best practices recommendations, or interventions that are not research based but reflect practices at a single institution may be submitted as a Praxis Note. These papers will be presented in a lightning round (5 minute summaries) and will be placed in the Digital Frontiers Collection in the UNT Digital Library. Complete papers are due upon submission and will be peer reviewed for inclusion in the conference. Papers should be no more than 5 pages inclusive of notes and diagrams, in PDF, and adhere to ACM LaTeX2e Style

Birds-of-a-Feather Briefs

Birds-of-a-feather sessions are networking opportunities in which presenters will lead an informal discussion about a chosen topic for fellow practitioners. Proposals should be in the form of an abstract of 250 words describing the topic to be discussed.

Hands-On Tutorials

Share your knowledge about a research tool, software, or methodology. In 250 words, explain what kind of tutorial you plan to provide and how this tutorial is intended to benefit the audience. Keep in mind that technology may be limited in some conference spaces. How can you make your workshop portable and accessible for a conference audience?

Digital Frontiers is growing and we are excited to work with individuals to ensure that you are able to participate. Due to anticipated number of submissions, the program planning committee may request that an individual’s contribution be presented in an alternate format such as a Birds of a Feather Brief.

Peer Review

A panel of scholars will review proposals and make recommendations to the Program Committee.


May 15, 2015


Submit proposals online

With all submissions, please include a brief professional bio (100 words or less – do not send CVs) for each presenter and specify any A/V or other technical needs with your proposal.


Read the full posting at

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