Ada Issue 08 IRL Peer Review Session

Ada: A Journal of Gender, New Media, and Technology
Peer review of Issue 8: Gender, Globalization and the Digital

WHEN: 6PM on Thursday May 21
WHERE: DSC (142 Knight Library)

The peer review process is open to all members of the Fembot Collective to read and comment on the submissions. The formatting may still a work-in-progress, so we emphasize substantive feedback about content, argument, and scholarship will be much more helpful to authors at this stage in their writing.

The community review process is open only to registered members of the Fembot Collective, comments will be made public, on the review site, when the issue is finalized.

If you’re not a member of the Fembot Collective, you can find details about joining the collective [here].

 Ada Issue 8: 
“In this issue we seek essays that explore gender and sexuality concerns in digital spaces and cultures, as well as academic fields such as the digital humanities and computational sciences. Possible topics include: what is the shape of the global “gender gap”? Where are digital products produced and consumed and how do these reveal economic, social and structural inequalities? How do global flows of capitalism construct uneven modernities around the world? How do race and ethnicity intersect with the structure of gendered, global digital communities and diasporas? How does the digital provide and police spaces for organizing around trans issues? What are the networks of affect, intimacy and sexuality that grow out of digital cultures?  How are operations of interface, output and input structured by ideas of gender, sexuality and language? How do access and ableism structure issues of gender and sexuality in digital spaces?”
Read more.


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