Assistant Professor in Media and Sexuality Studies- McGill University

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Assistant Professor in Media and Sexuality Studies

Applications due November 1, 2015

Applicants must have a PhD in hand or be very near completion at the time of appointment, which begins 1 August, 2016.

“The Institute for Gender, Sexuality and Feminist Studies and the Department of Art History and Communication Studies at McGill University in Montreal, Canada invite applications for a joint-appointed, tenure track assistant professor position in Media and Sexuality Studies. Candidates must demonstrate outstanding research potential and publication records, substantial and relevant teaching experience or potential, and a strong commitment to interdisciplinary inquiry and the support of diverse intellectual communities. We seek candidates who will value diversity and whose research, teaching and service bear this out.

The hiring committee welcomes applications from qualified candidates working in critical approaches to Media Studies and Sexuality Studies. We are particularly interested in candidates whose work addresses any of the following areas: transnationalism, globalization, international frameworks, postcoloniality, social justice, critical race theory, Indigeneity, disability, trans issues, feminisms, and queer theory. We also seek a candidate who complements other existing strengths in media studies including but not limited to visual culture, sound culture, print culture, cultural studies, media history, digital humanities, critical media and communication policy, technology studies, infrastructure studies, new media and social media studies.

In addition to developing courses in their areas of expertise, teaching responsibilities will include the undergraduate course “Introduction to Sexual Diversity Studies.” Graduate supervision is also an expectation.

Applications should include a cover letter, curriculum vitae, three letters of recommendation, evidence of teaching experience and effectiveness, and a writing sample (20-30 pages). The committee will begin reviewing applications on 1 November 2015; applications received after that date may not receive full consideration. All materials, including referees’ letters of recommendation, must be submitted electronically to

Knowledge of French would be an asset for this position.”

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