UC Berkeley- Assistant Professor of Human-Centered Data Science

berkeley school of info bannerThe School of Information at the University of California, Berkeley is seeking a full time, tenure track assistant professor of Human-Centered Data Science to start July 1, 2016.

Relevant topics of interest:berkeley seal

  • Interactive Data Visualization
  • Human-centered Database Systems
  • Ethical uses of Big Data
  • Collaborative Data Analysis
  • Data Wrangling
  • Learned at Scale
  • Social and Economic Network Analysis
  • Crowd-sourced Data Systems
  • Human-centered Machine Learning Applications
  • Humanitarian Data: Tools and Applications

Applicants must have a doctoral degree or equivalent in a related discipline or professional field at the time of applications. Applicants with all degree requirements completed except the dissertation will also be considered. A PhD or equivalent is required by the date of hire.

“Preferred qualifications (by start date) include a demonstrated record of relevant research that seeks to enrich and/or design innovative solutions for data science tools, processes, and problems. A successful candidate will possess appropriate technical expertise and research excellence, and be committed to working in a multidisciplinary setting. Relevant professorial or industry experience is also desirable.”

Applications must include:

  • Cover letter
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Statement of teaching experience
  • Statement of research interests
  • Three selected publications. One additional selected publication, if preferred, is optional
  • A link to a website demonstrating applicant’s research an teaching expertise
  • Statement addressing past and/or potential contributions to equity and inclusion through research, teaching, and/or service

Three letters of recommendation are also required. Refer potential referees to the UC Berkeley statement of confidentiality before they submit their letters.

To apply, submit all materials electronically at this link by December 14, 2015

Questions may be sent to the dean at this address.

If you would like to see more details about this job, see their website.

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