CFP: Eleventh International Conference on the Arts in Society
The International Conference for the Arts in Society is seeking submissions for its eleventh conference to be hosted at the University of California, Los Angeles, August 10-12, 2016.
The conference hopes to address several questions in the art world including what are the sites of art?; how do we understand the media and mediation of art?; how does art shape educational, cultural and national policy?; and who are the participants in the art worlds? For more information about these topics, see UCLA’s page on the scope of the conference.
The conference will accept proposals for paper presentations, workshops/interactive sessions, posters/exhibits, virtual lightning talks, virtual posters, or colloquia addressing one of the following themes:
Arts Education
- Arts Theory and History
- New Media, Technology, and the Arts
- Social, Political, and Community Agendas in the Arts
The early proposal deadline is 10 January, 2016, and the regular proposal deadline is 10 May, 2016. To submit a proposal, visit this site.
For more information about the conference and UCLA’s call for papers, visit their website!