UCLA- Opening for Assistant Professor of Information Studies

UCLA bannerThe University of California, Los Angeles is seeking a tenure-track assistant professor of information studies specializing in Media Archival Studies (MAS) for the Department of Information Studies of the Graduate School of Education and Information Studies. “The successful applicant will have research and teaching interests in information studies that relate to any aspect of media archival studies and the range of relevant media formats, materials and systems, both digital and analog.”

The starting date for the position will be July 1, 2016. “A Ph.D. in information studies or a closely related field is preferred; a terminal degree in other relevant fields (e.g., M.F.A.) will be considered. Candidates should demonstrate a strong record of (or potential for) scholarly publication and/or creative work; a well-developed agenda for continuing research, scholarship, and/or creative work; university-level teaching experience or potential for teaching excellence; and the ability to seek extramural funding for their research and scholarship.”

To apply, visit this website. Only online applications will be accepted.

UCLA logoPlease include:

  • A letter of application outlining scholarly background, current and future research plans, and contributions to diversity through research, teaching, and/or service.
  • A curriculum vitae
  • Samples of publications
  • A list of three people who can write confidential letters of recommendation should they be requested.

For more information, see their job description. For informal inquiries, please contact Professor Michelle Caswell, Chair of the Search Committee.

Review of applications will begin on December 1, 2015. Applications should be complete and letters of recommendation received by this date. The position will remain open until filled, but no later than June 31, 2016.

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