CFP: 5th EAI International Conference on Arts and Technology: Interactivity and Game Creation

ArtsIT bannerArtsIT, Interactivity and Game Creation 2016 is calling for submissions for their 2016 conference that will take place in Esbjerg, Denmark and Esbjerg campus of Aalborg University on May 2-4, 2016.

“The ArtsIT series of conferences have been created to provide a platform where researchers and practitioners in the arts and humanities, who have a keen interest in contemporary IT developments, meet with individuals working in the fields of computational technologies and IT who, in their turn, profess to strong ties to the fine arts and the design disciplines in their output. With the extended call including Interactivity and Game Creation, the focus is widened to reflect trends in state-of-the art whereby the art of interactivity and game creation is included to encourage cross-fertilisation between these related fields.

The conference presents a valuable opportunity for researchers, artists, designers and industry members both to showcase new, cutting-edge ideas and creative output that will help shape the future of art and technology, interactive design, and game creation, as well as to gain insights into novel innovative technologies and trans-disciplinary activities that are making strong impacts across these disciplines.”

All accepted papers will be published by Springer and made available through Springerlink Digital Library, one of the world’s largest scientific libraries.

Papers should follow these guidelines:ArtsIT

  • Papers should be in English
  • Regular papers should be up to 8 pages in length
  • Short papers should be up to 4 pages in length
  • Previously published work may not be submitted, nor may the work be concurrently submitted to any other conference or journal. Such papers will be rejected without review

The paper submissions must follow the SPRINGER formatting guidelines.

To submit a paper, visit this website. All papers must be submitted by January 6, 2016.

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