5-year Ph.D. Full Fellowship In Germanic Studies at the University of British Columbia
Five-Year Ph.D. Full Fellowship in Germanic Studies with a Focus on Media Studies and Theories
September 2016 start date: $24,000 base funding plus $3,200 International Tuition Award per year; additional numeration per TA-ship is $5,989.
The Department of Central, Eastern and Northern European Studies (CENES) at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver seeks an excellent student in the wider field of German Studies, whose Ph.D. project focuses on Media Theory, Media and Cultural Studies, including Media in Cultural Studies. Possible projects could be framed by
exploring specific social and aesthetic potentials of media
- expanding the horizon of German literary and cultural studies across media, including film, video, Internet, performance practices, and multimedia art installations
- the mediation of German language, literatures, and cultures by digital technology
- media histories; histories of media and the development of German media studies
- theories of human-technology interactions
- the analysis of cultural techniques
UBC offers a growing network of media studies and scholars in media theories, with opportunities to teach within the Media Studies, German Studies and CENES programs. The Graduate Program in Germanic Studies strongly supports interdisciplinary research and intercultural education. One strength of our program is media studies with several members of our graduate faculty having expertise in media studies and theory, sociology, film, gender and sexuality, and performance studies.
We invite dedicated students to submit applications, including a sound research proposal and study plan, by January 2016. The scholarship is open to students from all social sciences and humanities, with emphases in any of the areas of German-language literature, history, film and media studies, cultural studies, anthropology, human and cultural geography, urban studies, gender studies, sociology and arts.
For further information about the application process, including deadlines for international and domestic students, please visit our website at http://cenes.ubc.ca/grad6 , or contact our program assistant Charlene McCombs at cenes.dept@ubc.ca . When applying, please indicate that you are applying for the Five-Year Ph.D. Full Scholarship and whether you are interested in a Joint Ph.D. or Co-Tutelle.
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