Call for 2016-2017 American Arts Incubator
“Calling innovative new media and digital artists who have a love of travel and passion for community-driven art! We are excited excited to open the next round of applications for the following participating overseas locations: Cambodia, Colombia, Guatemala, Russia, and Thailand. One artist will be selected for each location and will be responsible for creating a public art project plus overseeing a unique “small grants” program to facilitate community-driven art in that location.
The deadline to apply is February 29, 2016 by 11:59pm PST. The Artist will receive $7,000 honoraria for participation, plus an assigned budget for workshop and public art production costs overseas.
American Arts Incubator is an international arts exchange program developed in partnership with the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA). The program sends artists abroad to collaborate with youth and under-served populations on community-based digital and new media art projects that bolster local economies, influence public policy, and further social innovation. Inspired by the “business incubator” model made popular by Silicon Valley’s technology and startup companies, American Arts Incubator is a hybrid training lab, production workshop, and tool for public engagement. It showcases artists as engaged and innovative partners in addressing social issues, in addition to creating a cross-cultural exchange of ideas.
Participating overseas locations for this opportunity are Cambodia, Colombia, Guatemala, Russia, and Thailand. One artist will be selected for each location. Download a pdf version of requirements here and read our FAQ here.
Dates of Participation Program duration is July 1, 2016 – August 31, 2017. Core dates for in-person participation include a week-long orientation in San Jose, California scheduled for late Summer or early Fall 2016.
International travel will be 4 weeks between September 2016 and May 2017 (specific dates will be determined collaboratively by the Artist, overseas embassy and partner, and ZERO1). In addition, multiple deliverables are expected in the months leading up to overseas travel and immediately following travel (e.g., project proposals, blog posts, project recaps). Artists will be expected to document their experiences and project developments before, during, and after overseas travel via the program’s website and relevant social media.
The budget will be determined during a pre-travel proposal time period, based on approval by ECA, the respective U.S. Embassy, and ZERO1. The program covers airfare, accommodations, and basic travel costs.”