NMCC Welcomes New Students!

NMCC enthusiastically welcomes three new students to our collaborative community of new media scholars: Shehram Mokhtar, Andrew McLaughlin, and Jason Lester.

Learn a bit more about our latest members below!

shehram mokhtarShehram Mokhtar: PhD Candidate, Media Studies

About Shehram: Shehram is interested in the politics of representation and global communications. He focuses especially on marginalized groups in television, cinema, and new media.


McLaughlin.Andrew-263x263Andrew McLaughlin: PhD Candidate, Media Studies

About Andrew: Andrew is interested in ethnography and documentary filmmaking. He received his master’s from Eastern Illinois University where he focused on experimental ethnography, alternative media, and documentary production, and he hopes to continue that research here at the University of Oregon.

jason lesterJason Lester: PhD Candidate, Comparative Literature

About Jason: Jason’s research is focused on media studies, aesthetic theory, transpacific studies and contemporary Chinese cinema. In particular, he is interested in vitalist and affective critical theories within the context of classical Chinese aesthetic philosophy and contemporary Chinese art cinema.



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