Agendamelding: How we use traditional and social media to create personal digital community
The School of Journalism and Communication is proud to present a public lecture by Dr. Donald Shaw, professor emeritus at University of North Carolina’s School of Media and Journalism.
Wednesday, October 12 at 5:30pm to 7:00pm
Lawrence Hall, 115
“Modern media audiences are very active in the way they mix agendas from traditional and social media. In fact, audiences meld the agendas from these two types of media, along with their personal experiences, to find rewarding agenda communities. So, there is a potential loss in vertical power of traditional media and a gain in power of social media. The result is, we argue, a decline in the power and prestige of traditional institutions, including the traditional press, and a gain in connectivity of newly-empowered interest groups, including online communities. Ready for a flatter society? This is just a start.”