Reframe: A Symposium On Reality, Virtuality And Nonfiction Media

Amidst the flurry of techno-utopian hype surrounding Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning, little attention has been paid to long-term socio-cultural or neurobiologial impacts of these new technologies. How can theorists, activists and artists develop a useful framework to explore the complex implications of using these technologies?

The ReFRAME Symposium aims to create an intervention into the uncritical excitement about emerging technologies to establish a space for conversations that are not being had, surrounding issues of new forms of nonfiction media that feature critical thinking on new technology, aesthetics, activism, practices, platforms and outreach.

Deadline: December 1st

Symposium Dates: March 17th and 18th, Hunter College in New York

Symposium website:

Topics may include but are not limited to:

  • sensory input
  • VR, AI, AR, MR
  • creative code
  • machine learning
  • the role of the body
  • methods for engaging subjects
  • immersion
  • user interfaces
  • games
  • representations of nature
  • interactive documentary
  • transmedia,
  • technology and pedagogy
  • collaborative environments
  • biomedia
  • social media platforms
  • experiential design.

Questions Should Examine:

  • What are new methods media makers are using to engage communities for social
  • How can the economics of data-mining that permeate social media be avoided in this
    new realm?
  • What are compelling open source technologies and knowledge practices that advance
    possibilities for a genuinely free exchange of ideas and experiences?
  • Does the dominance of an ocularcentric focus of emerging technology in nonfiction hide
    the affective and embodied potential of immersive media?
  • What are the ethical implications of immersion and how might we collectively develop a
    set of best practices?
  • What strategies are activists using with immersive environments that turn outreach into
    policy change?

papers, panel discussions, artworks, workshops and artist talks are welcome

Submission Details: submit all materials to

  1. CV
  2. short bio
  3. an abstract (500 words or less) of your presentation.
  4. Make sure to include your name, title, email, and institutional affiliation (if any).

The Symposium is sponsored by the Integrated Media Arts MFA Program at Hunter College, the Department of Film and Media Studies at Hunter College and the Emerging Media Technologies Program at NYC College of Technology, the Entertainment Technology Department.

Symposium Organizers: Marty Lucas, Associate Professor, Integrated Media Arts MFA Program, Hunter College; Heidi Boisvert, Assistant Professor, Emerging Media Technologies Program, NYC College of Technology; Andrew Demirjian, Assistant Professor, Integrated Media Arts MFA Program, Hunter College

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