Appreneur Scholar Award for App Creators
Two deserving student app creators will each receive a generous $5,000 scholarship funded by the Kay Family Foundation to help them pursue their studies and refine their apps. They will also win a trip to CES in Las Vegas, where they will have the opportunity to show off their apps to an audience of technology influencers. The students will be recognized during the annual Mobile Apps Showdown live show and TransformingEDU conference. For the first time, Appreneur Scholar winners will also receive a free membership to the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), the world’s largest educational and scientific computing society. This membership also qualifies the students to apply for a scholarship to attend the International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), a conference providing a forum for researchers, practitioners and educators in the software engineering field.
Application Deadline – November 30, 2016
*find full information on opportunity and submission details here*
To Apply:
- visit above link and select “2016 Entry Form” from the top navigation bar.
- Entries must be a working application running on any of the current mobile apps devices including iOS, Android, Windows 8, as well as smartwatches, wrist wear, Google Glass and other emerging platforms
App must be created by a high school student or an undergraduate/ graduate student who is actively enrolled in college courses.
Appreneur site visitors will get to share comments about the apps and vote on their favorite. An online vote, will affect, but not necessarily determine, the winners. (Judges will have the final word; online votes will be checked for errors and/or duplications.)
Two winners will be selected and will present at the Mobile Apps Showdown live event on January 8, 2015 at the 2015 International Consumer Electronics Show (CES).
Opportunity contact: Kerry Goldstein