Assoc. Professor of Art & Design at Hope College

hope-college-stacked-stickerThe Department of Art & Art History at Hope College in Michigan is seeking a tenure-track, Assistant/Associate Professor of Art and Design. Hope College is a four-year liberal arts college where academic excellence and vibrant Christian faith join together in a supportive and welcoming community. Hope College is known for its invitational ecumenical Christian atmosphere, friendly campus community, and well-balanced academic and co-curricular offerings. Hope is recognized as a national leader in undergraduate research and scholarship and for providing exceptional professional preparation and life-changing educational experiences that equip our students for success after graduation. The college has consistently ranked among the nation’s top liberal arts colleges and is featured in the book Colleges That Change Lives.

Applications received before December 15th will receive full consideration

*find more information on position and application here*

The Position:

  • teaching load of generally 3 courses per semester: bulk in basic and intermediate design (ART 105 and ART 205), but can include studio art seminars (such as ART 365 or 350, which the faculty teaches on a rotating basis), or a First Year Seminar – view course descriptions
  • overseeing independent studies, internships and museum field placements offered locally
  • departmental promotional design and exhibition publications

Ideal Candidate:

  • hold a terminal degree (MFA, MDes, PhD or other) in a design practice such as Advertising Design, Digital Media, 3D Design or Graphic Design
  • facility with technology, especially as it applies to design, is expected.

Application Instructions: upload the following documents to the online application

  1. letter of application
  2. C.V.
  3. include url link to your digital portfolio/website in your cover letter OR upload 20 images of your creative work in jpg or pdf format. Each file cannot exceed 5 mb
  4. contact information for three references

Additional materials will be required of candidates who advance to the interview round.

Questions regarding the application process may be directed to


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