CFP: Blending in the Liberal Arts

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The sixth annual Blended Learning in the Liberal Arts conference will be held Wednesday, May 17 – Thursday, May 18, 2017 at Bryn Mawr College.

Blended Learning encompasses any combination of online and face-to-face instruction that supports close faculty-student interactions and high-impact, student-centered pedagogies, promotes life-long learning, or otherwise contributes to the goals and mission of a liberal arts education.

Of particular interest are workshops, presentations or poster proposals concerning the following:

  • Open educational resources
  • Using blended learning to reduce costs/increase access
  • Student e-portfolios and other innovative ways of assessing student learning
  • Methods for building and framing digital skills, particularly in relation to student or curricular goals
  • Blended learning projects in a wider context — i.e., department, program, or college-level initiatives that look at blended learning beyond the boundaries of a single course

Submit a 250-400-word proposal describing your project and its connections to blended learning by February 15, 2017.

*Find full information and submission details Here*


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