Assistant or Associate Professor in the area of Games, Gaming, and Gamification

The School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design (AMPD) at York University,
Toronto, is seeking an outstanding emerging researcher at the level of Assistant or
Associate Professor in the area of Games, Gaming, and Gamification. The successful
candidate must be sufficiently qualified for nomination for a Tier 2 Canada Research Chair
following their appointment to the tenure stream position. One of North America’s leading
schools for the arts, AMPD offers undergraduate and graduate degree programs in Dance,
Design, Computational Arts, Cinema and Media Arts, Music, Theatre, Visual Arts, Art
History, Media Studies, Theatre and Performance Studies. Set to commence July 1, 2017.


  • research and theoretical interests should span games, gaming, and organized play as both a cultural phenomenon and a platform for creative practice
  • applicants should be broadly conversant in the emerging field of game studies, explore gaming as it manifests in a wide range of contemporary practices
  • ability to align their research program with the York University’s new Vision: Science to Application (VISTA) program.
  • Possible areas of research interest include the following: interactive game design, game mechanics, game related art and installation, games and disability, narrative and transmedia storytelling, game ecologies, critical game studies, serious games, playboy, social gaming and gaming communities, alt-games, gamification, videogame history, gender and games, and the gaming industry.
  • ability to work across a range of methodologies, theoretical frameworks, digital tools and technologies, and cultural practices
  • demonstrable familiarity with a variety of tools found in professional game development, incorporate interdisciplinary approaches between art and technology
  • have substantial theoretical and technical breadth in teaching

Position Details:

  • The successful candidate will play a strong role in Sensorium: Centre for Digital Arts and Technology Research, a catalyst for new ideas and experimentation
  • PhD or equivalent in the areas of Game Studies, Digital Media, Media Studies, Computational Arts, or a closely related field
  • collaborate internally with the members of AMPD and also communicate his or her ideas across the diverse domains of knowledge found at York University’s other faculties, such as health, biology, computer science, engineering, industrial design, environmental studies, and science and technology studies
  • provide leadership by fostering collaborative research, securing external funding,
    supervising graduate students, and generating national and international academic,
    community and industry partnerships
  • contribute to York University’s strong tradition of promoting social justice, knowledge mobilization, economic access, and social equality among diverse groups in both their research and their pedagogy.

Applications should include the following and be sent electronically to: Jim Fenton,

  1. detailed CV
  2. statement of research and teaching
  3. one or more scholarly publications
  4. research creation portfolio (if applicable)
  5. three signed letters of reference.

Deadline: March 3, 2017

Full position posting

York University is an Affirmative Action (AA) employer and strongly values diversity,
including gender and sexual diversity, within its community. The AA Program, which
applies to Aboriginal people, visible minorities, people with disabilities, and women, can
be found at or by calling the AA office at 416-736-5713. All
qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens and Permanent
Residents will be given priority.

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