EdTech Winter School

EdTech Winter School: Emerging trends and new horizons in the study of education and technology

Ceibal Foundation is organizing the 1st EdTech Winter School to take place in Uruguay, called “Emerging trends and new horizons in the study of education and technology”. The event will gather postgraduate students and early career academics from the main higher educational institutions in the country and the Latin American region. The Winter School is organized in partnership with ANII (Agencia Nacional de Investigación e Innovación)Departamento de Comunicación and Departamento de Educación (Universidad Católica del Uruguay), Universidad ORTFLACSO UruguayUniversidad de Montevideo and Facultad de Ingeniería (Universidad de la República).It aims to offer a stimulating learning environment for participants to present and discuss key challenges, research trends and opportunities, to foresee new horizons in education, learning and teaching practices enhanced by digital technologies.


The Winter School will offer an exciting opportunity for postgraduate students and early career faculties to present and discuss relevant EdTech policies and research for studying the future of education and technology, innovation and inclusion in the coming decade.

Winter School participants will also be invited to:

a) Collaborate in a special publication that will be prepared, where attendees will disseminate the results of their studies;

b) Explore future collaborations in areas of common interest;

c) Become a Ceibal Foundation’s affiliate and participate in collective books publications, dissemination of academic works in the Institutional Repository of Ceibal Foundation, among other scientific initiatives.

PROGRAMME (4 days +1 open day)

3rd July until the 6th July 2017. Open day – 7th July 2017

During a week of academic and social activities, candidates are expected to gain valuable knowledge, skills and meaningful perspectives in the fields of EdTech, innovation and inclusion. The official language of the event will be English. The programme will combine keynote lectures, training and participating in joint project-based learning.

19th May 2017 – Deadline for submitting applications


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