CFP Thursday
Check back every Thursday for Conference and Journal Calls for the week!
- The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy
- Comunicar journal: Digital Media & Learning
- Information/Control – Control in the Age of Post Truth
- The CUNY Games Conference 4.0
The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy
General Issue Call for Submissions: Due November 15, 2017
Issue Editors:
Laura Wildemann Kane, University of Tampa
Michelle A. McSweeney, Columbia University
The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy seeks scholarly work that explores the intersection of technology with teaching, learning, and research. We are interested in contributions that take advantage of the affordances of digital platforms in creative ways. We invite both textual and multimedia submissions employing interdisciplinary and creative approaches in the humanities, sciences, and social sciences. Besides scholarly papers, the submissions can consist of audio or visual presentations and interviews, dialogues, or conversations; creative/artistic works; manifestos; or other scholarly materials.
All work appearing in the Issues section of JITP is reviewed by the issue editors and independently by two scholars in the field, who provide formative feedback to the author(s) during the review process. We practice signed, as opposed to blind, peer review. We intend that the journal itself—both in our process and in our digital product—serve as an opportunity to reveal, reflect on, and revise academic publication and classroom practices.
Additionally, all submissions will be considered for our “Behind the Seams” feature, in which we publish dynamic representations of the revision and editorial processes, including reflections from the authorial and editorial participants.
Research-based submissions should include discussions of approach, method, and analysis. When possible, research data should be made publicly available and accessible via the Web and/or other digital mechanisms, a process that JITP can and will support as necessary. Successes and interesting failures are equally welcome (although see the Teaching Fails section below for an alternative outlet). Submissions that focus on pedagogy should balance theoretical frameworks with practical considerations of how new technologies play out in both formal and informal educational settings. Discipline-specific submissions should be written for non-specialists.
As a courtesy to our reviewers, we will not consider simultaneous submissions, but we will do our best to reply to you within three months of the submission deadline. The expected length for finished manuscripts is under 5,000 words. All work should be original and previously unpublished. Essays or presentations posted on a personal blog may be accepted, provided they are substantially revised; please contact us with any questions at sends e-mail).
For further information on style and formatting, accessibility requirements, and multimedia submissions, consult JITP’s accessibility guidelines and style guide.
Important Dates
Submission deadline for full manuscripts is November 15th, 2017. Please view our submission guidelines for information about submitting to the Journal.
Call for papers, Comunicar journal: Digital Media & Learning
The Institute of Educational Research at the University of Girona (Spain), Mediática and the Department of Developmental Psychology of the Faculty of Education at the Autonomous University of Madrid (Spain), are the institutional co-editors of the thematic issue that will be published January 2019 by Comunicar journal with the title: Digital media and learning, Emergent forms of participation and social transformation. The editors of this issue are:
- Dr. Moisès Esteban-Guitart, University of Girona (Spain)
- Dr. Javier González-Patiño, Autonomous University of Madrid (Spain)
- Dr. James Gee. Arizona State University (USA)
Comunicar is a scientific journal of Education and Communication, bilingual in Spanish and English and full text is accessible online, with presence in hundreds of international databases and in Journal Citation Reports (JCR Q1 2017 Communication / Education).
Guidelines for authors and submission of contributions:
- Call for papers
- Editorial guidelines
- Contributions should be submitted through the OJS RECYT platform
Over the last 15 years, Digital Media and Learning have become the focus of a great deal of research, entrepreneurship, and educational interventions across the world. Today, we humans face hard problems stemming from dangerous interactions among complex systems put into motion by human actions. In the face of these problems, there are many who argue that we can no longer engage in “business as usual”, but need new paradigms of teaching, learning, collaboration, and social activism.
Digital and social media have already led to new forms of teaching, learning, and social organization out of school, in the act transforming our ideas of what school can be and how it ought to relate to the world. Video games and related technologies hold out great promise for new and powerful ways to engage in effective problem solving and collective intelligence, especially when they are places inside an eco-system of other technologies and new forms of social interaction. These developments have led a great many people, of all ages, to demand to participate and not just spectate; to produce and make and not just consume; and to develop real expertise outside formal credentialing institutions. All this, however, raises deep questions about schools and other social institutions as we currently know them. As we harness the power of digital and social media, should our goal be incremental reform of schools and other social institutions or deep paradigm change?
The promise of digital and social media is greatly endangered by the growing world-wide prevalence of people sorting themselves into echo-chambers of ideologically like-minded others, often disdaining any real critical engagement with differing viewpoints, evidence, or collaboration. It seems clear that we must intervene, design, and manage digital media and learning for good and not sit back and assume that our new technologies will work towards good if left to their own devices in our heavily divided and highly unequal world.
The monograph presented is intended to investigate at the theoretical, practical and empirical levels the issues indicated in order to advance knowledge of the contemporary forms of participation both in educational formal and informal settings and in social-public-digital mediated life. The challenge is to find ways of solving global problems in a liquid and high-risk world.
Participatory culture.The Maker Movement. Collective Intelligence. Digital and social media. Transmedia. In and out of school teaching and learning. School reform. Problem solving. Social activism. New forms of digitally-enhanced social organization.
Some questions and reflections raised by this monograph related to its thematic lines are:
How can we best use digital media for teaching and learning in school? How can we best use transmedia into the realm of education? How can we connect teaching and learning in and out of school? How can we best use digital media to solve hard problems in society and the global world? What are the social, class, and cultural restrictions that currently exist on who can become participants and makers and who cannot? How can we spread participation, making, collaboration, and passion to more people? How can digital media help develop collective intelligence for solving hard problems in our endangered world? How can we best design digitally-enhanced socio-technical systems of connected technologies, people, and proactive forms of participation and social interaction rather than focus on any one new technology as a “silver bullet”? How can we cross ideological divides in the service of critical discussion, problem solving, and renewed civil societies?
CFP: Information/Control – Control in the Age of Post Truth
Thursday, November 30, 2017 – 3:00am
Guest Editors: Stacy E. Wood & James Lowry
In his 1992 “Postscript on the Societies of Control,” Gilles Deleuze diagnosed our society as a control society. He argued that the closure and containment that characterized the subject and the state – previously described by Michel Foucault as the product of modernity – was giving way to a much more complex set of sociotechnical configurations that blurred the boundaries and limits of control. Within the context of information studies, the concept of control has its own particular legacies. Posed as the cure to a natural chaos, the discipline’s pursuit of authority control, bibliographic control, and controlled vocabularies represent a field epistemologically invested in order.
Since Deleuze’s diagnosis, contemporary information systems and technologies have enabled unprecedented forms of control to permeate life at multiple levels, from the molecular to the global: From the manipulation of bioinformatic elements through gene sequencing to mass data collection policies, the relationship between information and control is increasingly entangled as they are threaded through our personal, professional, and public lives. Yet, as forms and mechanisms of control become more granular, the traditional modes of information control are challenged and the figure of the “gatekeeper” recedes. New evidential paradigms signified by the diagnostic of “post-truth,” new forms of consensus building via algorithmic logic, and a breakdown of the boundaries of information literacy all signify a challenge to traditional understandings of information control.
This poses a challenge and opportunity for information scholars and researchers to engage with ideas and concepts around the society of control, across disciplines. By foregrounding the mechanisms, intended purposes, and unintended effects of the relationship between control and information, this special issue will provide a forum to explore and critically engage an as yet underdeveloped line of thinking.
The scope of this issue might include research on:
Editorial control, citizen journalism and “alt-facts”
Informational panopticons; data gathering, aggregation and re-use in the context of the international rise of the Right
Obfuscation, counterveillance and information activism
Analyses of information policy, including approaches to classifying and redacting
Political discourses about leaks, breaches and other forms of loss of control
Other overt and/or covert uses of records and information in the “society of control”
Technologies and techniques of control within information systems
Taxonomies and controlled vocabularies
The “politics of metadata” in relation to state control
Deadline for Submission: November 30, 2017
Types of Submissions
JCLIS welcomes the following types of submissions:
Research Articles (no more than 7,000 words)
Perspective Essays (no more than 5,000 words)
Literature Reviews (no more than 7,000 words)
Interviews (no more than 5,000 words)
Book or Exhibition Reviews (no more than 1,200 words)
Research articles and literature reviews are subject to peer review by two referees. Perspective essays are subject to peer review by one referee. Interviews and book or exhibition reviews are subject to review by the issue editor(s).
Contacts: Guest Editors
Stacy E. Wood, University of California, Los Angeles: (link sends e-mail)
James Lowry, Liverpool University Centre for Archive Studies: (link sends e-mail)
Submission Guidelines for Authors
The Journal of Critical Library and Information Studies welcomes submissions from senior and junior faculty, students, activists, and practitioners working in areas of research and practice at the intersection of critical theory and library and information studies.
Authors retain the copyright to material they publish in the JCLIS, but the Journal cannot re-publish material that has previously been published elsewhere. The journal also cannot accept manuscripts that have been simultaneously submitted to another outlet for possible publication.
Citation Style
JCLIS uses the Chicago Manual of Style, 16th Edition as the official citation style for manuscripts published by the journal. All manuscripts should employ the Notes and Bibliography style (as footnotes with a bibliography), and should conform to the guidelines as described in the Manual.
Submission Process
Manuscripts are to be submitted through JCLIS’ online submission system ( by November 30th, 2017. This online submission process requires that manuscripts be submitted in separate stages in order to ensure the anonymity of the review process and to enable appropriate formatting.
Abstracts (500 words or less) should be submitted in plain text and should not include information identifying the author(s) or their institutional affiliations. With the exception of book reviews, an abstract must accompany all manuscript submissions before they are reviewed for publication.
The main text of the manuscript must be submitted as a stand-alone file (in Microsoft Word or RTF)) without a title page, abstract, page numbers, or other headers or footers. The title, abstract, and author information should be submitted through the submission platform.
The CUNY Games Conference 4.0
The CUNY Games Network of the City University of New York is excited to announce The CUNY Games Conference 4.0: The Interactive Course to be held on January 22 and 23, 2018 at the Graduate Center and the Borough of Manhattan Community College in New York City.
The CUNY Games Conference is a two-day event to promote and discuss game-based pedagogies in higher education. The first day of the conference focuses on interactive presentations, and the second day consists of low-key game design, playtesting, and game play.
Game-based pedagogy incorporates some of the best aspects of collaborative, active, and inquiry-based learning. With the growing maturity of game-based learning in higher education, the focus has shifted from whether games are appropriate for higher education to how games can be best used to bring real pedagogical benefits and encourage student-centered education. The CUNY Games Network is dedicated to encouraging research, scholarship, and teaching in this developing field. We aim to bring together all stakeholders: faculty, researchers, graduate and undergraduate students, and game designers. Both CUNY and non-CUNY participation is welcome.
The conference theme is composed of two broad goals:
- To invent, explore, and learn to effectively use Game-Based Learning (GBL) to address higher educational goals.
- To advance understanding of how to create rigorous interactive classroom learning activities, including methods, examples, and assessments, since well-developed learning activities share similar attributes to games.
To meet these goals, proposals should aspire to address the following three areas:
- Innovation: In what way did you invent a new type of GBL or improve existing GBL for higher education? What new applications of GBL were developed to foster and assess learning? In what new ways was GBL integrated with other teaching methods to foster and assess learning?
- Advancing understanding of how people learn in GBL learning environments in higher education: How does your work enhance understanding of how students learn in GBL environments that offer new opportunities for learning? How does your work lead to a better understanding of how to foster and assess learning in GBL environments?
- Promoting broad use and transferability of GBL: How does your work inform the design and use of GBL across disciplines, populations, and learning environments in higher education?
All proposals must have a clear and explicit relevance to higher education.
The conference will feature the following session formats:
Arcade game demos and posters
We encourage everyone to consider bringing something to showcase at our arcade this year, which will be given its own time and space separate from the presentations. The arcade area will feature posters and games (finished or in progress), gamecasting videos, and more. We also especially encourage participation by undergraduate researchers.
30-minute interactive presentations
Reserved for interactive presentations only, such as workshops and live demonstrations. Interactive learning components should comprise at least 15 minutes of the presentation.
10-minute short presentations
Short talks that briefly discuss theories, research, practice, or individual games, including game-like interactive learning activities.
Presenters are encouraged to apply for both the arcade and a presentation. Please submit each separately.
Your proposal must include: session format; contact information for the corresponding presenter; name, affiliation, and email address for each additional presenter; title, 250-word abstract; a paragraph on connections to higher education; keywords selected from a list on the submission form; and special requests (e.g., scheduling or equipment needs). Please proofread and edit your proposal before submission. Accepted proposals will be published in our conference proceedings.
Panel Proposals: We also invite panel submissions for three or more speakers. Please submit one proposal for the entire panel. Innovative panel ideas are encouraged!