CFP Thursday

Call for Papers: Emerging Gender, Media and Technology Scholarship in Africa

Ada: A Journal of Gender, New Media, and Technology

Issue 15
Special Issue Editors: Audrey Gadzekpo, Paula Gardner, and H. Leslie Steeves

This special issue will address studies of gender as these operate in African environments and cultures of media and technology. We are particularly interested in contributions that address the following:

  • How does power operate through gendered spaces and practices?
  • What kinds of innovative gender practices are created by those working in spaces of technologies and gender?
  • How does gender operate in relation to different types of technologies—from technologies of home and school to technologies of culture that women undertake in social, community, religious and other groups?
  • How can we interrogate practices of masculinity inscribed in media and technology?
  • In what ways is feminism called up, perhaps through other terms in research on gender and power in African spaces? How can we study how gender power operates through technologies in African contexts?
  • How are key issues in the gendered realms of family, health, environmentalism, and education addressed via media and technology?

Targeted manuscript submissions: We seek all submissions that fit this special issue. We will prioritize submissions by junior and senior Africanist scholars based on the African continent.

Writing mentors/editors: We will provide a team of mentors/editors to take papers (if needed) through editing and peer review. These editors will be recruited from the Fembot Collective, FemTechNet (Paula Gardner) and from contacts provided by Audrey Gadzekpo, Leslie Steeves and others.

In keeping with Ada’s multimodality, we encourage the submission of text-based, visual, filmic, and otherwise imagined pieces as part of this issue’s theme of Emerging Gender, Media and Technology Scholarship in Africa.

You can send your proposal as an .odt or .doc document. Please put “Emerging Gender” in the subject line and include the following in the body of your message:

  • Your name and a short biography
  • An abstract of no more than 150 words
  • A list of five keywords/tags
  • Preferred email address and GPG public key (if applicable)
  • Citation style used (if applicable) (please note that any citation style can be used)

Complete submissions should be sent to by September 30, 2018. Contributions should be no more than 3,000 words.

About Ada:

Ada is an online, open access, open source, peer-reviewed journal run by feminist media scholars. The journal’s first issue was published online in November 2012. Since that launch, Ada articles have received more than 500,000 page views. Ada operates a review process that combines feminist mentoring with the rigor of peer review.

Ada does not—and will never—charge fees for publishing your materials, and shares those materials using a Creative Commons License.

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European Symposium Series on Societal Challenges in Computational Social Science 2018: Bias and Discrimination

We welcome submissions in the intersection of the social sciences and the computer sciences, including (a) new approaches for understanding social phenomena and addressing societal challenges, (b) improving methods for computational social science, (c) and understanding the influence of the Web and digital technologies on society.

For the 2nd Symposium we are especially interested in:

  • Algorithmic bias
  • Gender related discrimination
  • Ethnic discrimination
  • Religious discrimination
  • Creation and confirmation of stereotypes
  • Unequal structures and social behavior / political action
  • Human-machine communication and manipulation thereof (e.g. effects of social bots)
  • Manipulation and gaming of algorithms
  • Effects of recommender systems and personalization
  • Power of predictions
  • Social engineering and reverse engineering
  • Communicative biases in social media
  • Cognitive biases
  • Biases in Web data
  • Missing data
  • Inequality and biases in social networks
  • Mediating discrimination via computational methods
  • Effects of large data-sets on understanding biases
  • Approaches for removing biases
  • Transparency and open code

Other related topics are explicitly welcome.

Submission Guidelines

Extended abstracts should be submitted in English in pdf format to the EasyChair submission system:

Submissions should be abstracts of approx. 2-3 pages (up to 1000 words plus references and figures) summarizing the work to be presented. We encourage researchers to also submit abstracts of work that has already been published and/or submit work in progress. Please give a sufficiently detailed description of your work and your methods so we can adequately assess its relevance. Please consider that reviewers will be from an interdisciplinary community.

Each extended abstract will be reviewed by a Program Committee composed of experts in computational social science. Accepted submissions will be non-archival, i.e. there are no proceedings. Submissions will mostly be evaluated based on relevance and the potential to stimulate interesting discussions.

Submissions may be accepted as talks or posters.

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Computer Ethics—Philosophical Enquiry (CEPE) 2019

28–30 May, 2019, Norfolk, Virginia, USA

CEPE (Computer Ethics—Philosophical Enquiry) is a leading international conference and has played a significant role in defining the field since its first event in 1997. CEPE is held biennially, and is organized by INSEIT (the International Society for Ethics and Information Technology). For CEPE 2019, the conference theme will be Risk and Cybersecurity. We encourage submissions on this theme, but welcome submissions on any topic related to ethics and computers.

Risk and Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is of pressing and ever-expanding importance to governments, organizations, and individuals as ever more of our lives becomes digitally rendered, analyzed, manipulated, and stored. Even as cybersecurity issues present threats to us both individually and collectively, cybersecuritization—the political action of consolidating power and control through rhetorics of “cybersecurity”—threatens people and peoples in different ways.

Risk is central to computer ethics in numerous other ways as well. Risk abounds online as we figure out how to negotiate and protect identities that are increasingly visible across many parts of our lives, to persons but to companies and algorithms as well. Risk has always been central to engineering ethics, and computer ethics continues to negotiate shifting boundaries of the morality of whistleblowing along with changes in the economic, social, legal, and human costs of a hacked database. These issues are complicated further by innovations in robotics and the internet of things, which spread risk across what once was an online/offline boundary and into the smallest cracks of our lives, from military and domestic robots, to smart cities and smart homes, and to the digital assistants and baby monitors in our kitchens and bedrooms.

We welcome submissions on any topic in computer ethics, but, in keeping with the conference theme, specifically encourage submissions on:

  • Ethics for cybersecurity professionals
  • Just war theory and cyberconflict
  • AI and risk
  • Information warfare
  • “Fake news,” deepfakes, and the information apocalypse
  • Risks to democracy and democratic processes
  • Privacy and users’ rights
  • Algorithmic bias and algorithmic ethics
  • Information and data ethics
  • Risk online
  • Cyberharassment
  • Race, gender, sexuality and risk in digital environments
  • Risk to health and health care
  • Online radicalization
  • Group identity and mobilization in digital environments
  • Self-driving vehicles
  • Ethics of hacking, and of hacking back
  • Cyberrisk and cybersecuritization in
    • smart cities and smart homes,
    • the internet of things
    • military robots, heathcare robots, domestic robots, sex robots, and other robots
  • and other topics related to risk, cybersecurity, securitization, internet studies, and the internet of things.

Keynote speakers will include Deborah G. Johnson (University of Virginia) and Anna Lauren Hoffmann (University of Washington).

Submissions will be accepted through EasyChair, here. We request English-language extended abstracts of 500–800 words, not including references,  prepared for double-blind review. Multiple submissions from a single author are welcome, but acceptance of multiple papers by the same author will be weighed against available program space. Publication in conference proceedings will be offered after the conference—for eligibility, full papers should be no more than 8000 words, and should not be previously published. Journal special issues will also be organized; participating journals will contact potential contributors separately. Enquiries may be directed to cepe2019 [at] easychair [dot] org.


Abstracts due: 22 October 2018

Reviews due: November 2018

Notice of acceptance/rejection: January 2019

Conference: May 28–30, 2019

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