Winter 2020 Faculty Shelfie: Dr. Bryce Newell (SOJC)
Bryce Newell is an Assistant Professor in the School of Journalism and Communication (SOJC). He is a lawyer, qualitative social scientist (with a PhD in Information Science from the University of Washington’s Information School), and documentary filmmaker. His research examines issues of law and technology, surveillance, policing, and migration through the lenses of information studies and law. Bryce is Dialogue Editor for Surveillance & Society, the international surveillance studies journal, and a Board Member of the Surveillance Studies Network (SSN), a registered UK charity/nonprofit organization that publishes the journal and sponsors the biannual Surveillance & Society Conference.
Bryce’s book, Police Visibility: Privacy, Surveillance, and the False Promise of Body-Worn Cameras is forthcoming in June 2021 with University of California Press. Among other things, the book addresses the privacy implications of police body-camera footage making its way to online social media after public disclosure by police departments under state freedom of information law. His research has also been published in journals such as New Media & Society, Government Information Quarterly, Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIS&T), The Information Society, Law & Social Inquiry, and Surveillance & Society; law reviews (including Indiana Law Journal, North Carolina Law Review, Hastings Law Journal, UC Irvine Law Review, and BYU Law Review); peer-reviewed, archival conference proceedings; and a number of edited books. He has also edited three books: Police on Camera: Surveillance, Privacy, and Accountability (Routledge, 2021), Surveillance, Privacy and Public Space (Routledge, 2019), and Privacy in Public Space: Conceptual and Regulatory Challenges (Edward Elgar, 2017).
Prior to coming to the University of Oregon, Bryce was an Assistant Professor at the University of Kentucky (Information Science with a joint appointment in Sociology) and, before that, a Post-Doctoral Researcher at the Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT) within the Law School at Tilburg University (in the Netherlands). During his PhD, he was a Google Policy Fellow, hosted by the Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic (CIPPIC) at the University of Ottawa Faculty of Law (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada).
His documentary and video production work has been exhibited at museums in the United States, Germany, and the Netherlands, and has been screened at film festivals and on university campuses across the United States. He has discussed his research on NPR (All Things Considered) and written about body-worn cameras for Slate. His research has been cited in a variety of academic journals as well as the New York Times Magazine.
Bryce is a proponent of open access publishing. He recommends the following openly accessible resources related to new media and technology studies:
Data Justice and COVID-19: Global Perspectives, edited by Linnet Taylor, Aaron Martin, Gargi Sharma and Shazade Jameson. Meatspace Press, 2020
COVID-19 from the Margins: Pandemic Invisibilities, Policies and Resistance in the Datafied Society, edited by Stefania Milan, Emiliano Treré, and Silvia Masiero. Institute of Network Cultures, 2021
Surveillance & Society (journal)
Technology and Regulation (TechReg) (journal)
The Internet’s Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz (documentary film)