Winter Workshops & Events from Data Services
The UO Libraries’ Statistical Help Desk is available this term Monday – Friday 11 am – 4 pm in the DREAM Lab and by appointment (in person or via Zoom). We offer free help with data management, statistics, R, SPSS, Python, GIS, version control, Excel, and qualitative software like Dedoose and Qualtrics.
Data Services also offers free short workshops on technical and research skills. This term, we are offering workshops on R, Python, the Unix command line, and more. Our Friday lunch chats (Coffee + Data && Code) offer a great opportunity to meet folks interested in data and code, while our Coding Circles are casual co-working spaces for chatting about programming projects.
Our seminar watch series, Talking Data, involves watching a talk and then discussing as a group. Topics range across disciplines- see the event listing for more details on topics we are covering this term. Our Data Book Club will be discussing Caroline Perez’s Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed for Men. Drop-ins welcome!