2019-20 Courses Offered (Archive)

This list of NMCC theories, methods, and electives courses offered during the 2019-20 academic year is provided for student planning purposes. Note that listings are published for each term only once courses for that term have been finalized, but may still be subject to modifications at the discretion of individual departments.  In general, future term schedules are considered final at the end of the sixth week of classes during the prior term. See the UO Schedule of Classes for any updates or change that may have occured after NMCC assembled this list.

NMCC students may also fulfill requirements through a petition process. See NMCC Petition Guidelines for more details.



In AY 2019-20, the Common Seminar, “History and Theory of New Media,” will be taught in both Winter and Spring Term. In Winter, the course will be titled “Theories of New Media.”


Spring 2020 NMCC Course Offerings

Course Number Course Title Instructor


NMCC Core Course

J 610 Histories & Theories of New Media Sen


Topics Courses

ARCH 523 Media for Design and Development Maldinov and Tice
ARH 551 Top Art and Science Amstutz
ENG 570 Tech & Texts Capstone Kaufman
HIST 507 Sem Tech & the Body Valiani
J 646 Political Economy of Communication Wasko
SOC 510 Science and Society Light


Methods Courses

ARTD 563 Communication Design Tan
CIS 510 Data Science Studio Fickas
EDLD 610 Funct Prog Ed Data Sci Anderson
EDLD 610 Machn Lrng Ed Data Sci TBA
EDUC 632 Qual Mth II: (Post)Critical Theory Mazzei
EDUC 640 App Stat Des & Analy Van Ryzin and Griffith
J 641 Qualitative Methods Pompper
J 660 Adv Research Methods: Top (Quantitative) Maier
PHIL 510 Media Archaeology and Media Genealogy Koopman
PSY 613 Data Analysis III Berkman


Electives Courses

ARH 607 From Hand to Machine Cheng
ARTD 510 Autonomous Imaging Rueter
ARTD 512 Experiment Animation Tan
ARTD 515 Video Art: Exper Film Bray
CINE 590 Top Exploitat Cinemas Alilunas
CINE 590 Top Global Auteurs Gopal
EALL 607 Sem EA Cinema Kim
CIS 510 Game Programming Wills
CIS 571 Intro Artificial Life Nguyen
CIS 572 Machine Learning Lowd
ENG 685 Television Studies Miller
GEOG 590 Top Map with Drone Fonstad
J 510 Top Ghana Media System Steeves
J 510 Media Entrepreneurship Madison
J 536 Top Web Design Asbury
J 563 Top Audio Story Radcliffe and Milbourne
J 566 Top Multimedia Story Miller
J 614 Media Theory III Chavez
MUS 547 Digital Aud & Sound Des Stolet
MUS 576 Digital Aud Wrk Tech 1 Bellona
MUS 578 Digital Aud Wrk III Bellona
MUS 582 Audio Record Techn III Miller and Bellona
MUS 645 Adv Electronic Compos Stolet


Winter 2020 NMCC Course Offerings

Course Number Course Title Instructor


NMCC Core Course

J 610 Theories of New Media Markowitz


Topics Courses

CIS 571 Intro to Artificial Intelligence Nguyen
J 512 Studying Games Cote
J 512 Television and Society Sen
J 567 Digital Media in Asia Nah
J 596 Internet Law Newell
J 644 Philosophy of Communication Curtin
PHIL 507 Data Ethics Alvarado
SOC 656 Soc of Sexuality Pascoe
WGS 521 Bodies and Embodiment Stewart


Methods Courses

ARCH 523 Media for Design and Development Givens; Buzzell; Leahy (PDX)
EDLD 633 Structural Equation Modeling 1 Stevens
EDUC 614 Educational Statistics TBA; Van Ryzin (online)
EDUC 630 Qual Mth 1: Interp Inq Rosiek
EDUC 636 ADV Qual Mth: New Mat Rosiek
J 510 Media Studies Research Methods Newell
J 642 Quantiative Research Methods Shafer
PPM 657 Res Meth Pub Pol & Mgt Nystrom
PSY 612 Data Analysis II Weston


Electives Courses

ARH 610 Art and Geoaesthetics Amstutz; Scott
ARTD 510 Game Art TBA
ARTD 510 Data Visualization TBA
ARTD 512 Experiment Animation Tan
ARTD 513 Emerging Technologies Ives
ARTD 571 3-D Computer Imaging Ching
ARTD 590 Iss & Prac Digital Art Rueter
CINE 510 Warner Bros Studio Aronson
CINE 540 Contemporary Global Art Cinema Stenhart
ENG 608 Colloq Pol/Cul/Ident TBA
ENG 645 Species and Print Sayre
ENG 695 Food TV Miller
ES 510 Asian American Feminist Theory Fujiwara
FLR 510 Craft Clothing Culture Saltzman
J 512 Doc Civil Rights Miller
J 512 Understanding Disney Wasko
J 532 Reporting for Electronic Media Force
J 560 Advertising and Culture Elias
J 560 Brand Responsibility Sheehan
J 560 Design and Technology Ewald
J 563 Solution Journalism Heyamoto
J 575 Flux Production Matthews
J 580 Strat Social Media Matthews
J 595 Comm Logic Inquiry Bybee
J 613 Media Theory II Chatman
LA 515 Computers in Landscape Arc Enright
LA 517 Computer Aided LA Des Thoren
LA 539 Landsc Arch Des & Proc Ribe
LA 550 Landscape Media Lee
LA 559 Instant City Geffel
MUS 510 Data Sonification Bellona
MUS 547 Digital Aud & Sound Des Stolet
MUS 548 Interactive Media Perf Stolet
MUS 570 Hist Electroaccoust Mus Hatakeyama
MUS 577 Digit Aud Wrk Tech II Bellona
MUS 581 Audio Record Techn II Miller; Bellona
MUS 645 Adv Electronic Compos Stolet
MUS 693 Ore Electrr Device Orch Stolet
PPPM 510 Visual Communication Abia-Smith


Fall 2019 Course Listings

Course # Course Title Professor


Topics Courses

ARTD 510 Art of Surveillance Rueter
ENG 660 Digital Humanities Fickle
LAW 610 Tech Competence in Law TBA
PHIL 507 Sem Data Ethics Alvarado
COLT 616 Transmedial Aesthetics Allan
EDUC 610 Philosophical Foundations of Social Science Rosiek
J 512 Topic reality TV Sen
J 512 Topics Communication and Democracy Youm
J 532 Report for Election Media Abdenour
J 610 Visual Communication Newton
MUS 570 Hist Electoacoust MUS Hatakeyama


Methods Courses

Course Number Course Title Professor
EDUC 611 Survey of Education Research Methods DeGarmo
LA 508 Wrk Adv Ditigal Media Abelman
LA 510 Env Data Visualization Lee
MUS 611 Research Methods Shaffer
PPPM 656 Quantitative Methods Jacobsen
PSY 512 Applied Data Analysis Pennefather
PSY 607 Data Science Club Srivastava
PSY 611 Data Analysis I Weston
SOC 610 Data Visualization Southworth
ARCH 610 Intro Arch Computing TBA
ARTD 510 Data Visualization Tan
EDLD 610 Intro Data Science W/R Anderson
EDUC 612 Social Science Research Design TBA
EDUC 642 Multi Regression and Educational Research Biancarosa
EDUC 654 Adv Approaches to Behavioral Analysis Machalicek
J 660 Historical Methods Soderlund
LA 559 Top 3D Mapping with Lida Lee
MUS 576 Digital Aud Wrk Tech 1 Bellona
MUS 580 Audio Record Techn I Miller and Bellona
MUS 645 Adv Electronic Comp Wang
MUS 693 Ore Electr Device Orch Hatakeyama


Electives Courses (note also that any Topics or Methods course counts as elective)

Course Number Course Title Professor
CIS 571 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Nguyen
LAW 610 Trademark Law Priest
J 611 Mass Communication and Society Foxman or Maier
AAD 550 Art in Society Blandy
ARCH 523 Media for design and Devleopment Utsey and Williams
ARH 507 Se Cntmp Asn Art/Film TBA
ARTD 510 Web Art TBA
ARTD 563 Communication Design Salter
ARTD 571 3-D Computer Imaging Ching
CINE 510 Transnational Film/Media Ok
EDST 610 Sapsik’wala Indigenous Technology Jacobsen
EDST 670 Philosophy of Research Rosiek
J 560 Brand Insight with Data Markowitz
J 563 Social Media Journalism Radcliffe
J 567 Digital Asia Nah
J 594 Strat Comm Research Shafer
J 596 Comparative Media Law Youm
J 612 Media Theory I Ofori-Parku
MUS 547 Digital Audio and Sound Design Stolet
MUS 548 Interactive Media Performance Stolet