HASTAC 2017 Call for Panelists | Building a Feminist Future: Digital Pedagogical Praxis
Building a Feminist Future: On (Digital) Pedagogical Praxis
This panel explores how digital feminist pedagogical praxis can help materialize a more just, equitable, and pleasurable future. Moving between theory and practice, but always with an eye towards the better world-making that can occur in classrooms, however loosely defined, I hope to gather educators interested in any of the following questions (I’m interested in your questions too):
- How do digital technologies reconfigure relationships between institutions and communities?
- In what ways can digital technologies exacerbate or challenge extant power hierarchies both in the classroom and in the world beyond the classroom?
- How can digital technologies empower historically-silenced and excluded students?
- How can digital pedagogies help us intervene in what bell hooks famously called the “neo-colonial white supremacist capitalist patriarchy”?
- What histories, genealogies, methodologies, and theoretical frameworks will allow us to produce a feminist future?
Ideally, the format we will choose for our panel will be co-created by the panelists (traditional papers? Interactive workshop? Lightning talks?). A willingness to collaborate and shape this panel is greatly appreciated.
Please send proposals, up to 300 words, to Danica Savonick (danicasavonick@gmail.com) by March 21.