HILT 2017 Registration
HILT (Humanities Intensive Learning & Teaching) is a 5-day training institute that includes keynotes, ignite talks, and local cultural heritage excursions for researchers, students, early career scholars and cultural heritage professionals who seek to learn more about Digital Humanities theory, practice, and culture.
HILT will be held June 5-8, 2017, with special events on June 9, on the campus of the University of Texas at Austin. In addition to the conference’s day-time sessions, participants can enjoy opportunities to explore the city through local dining and cultural heritage experiences. Sponsored student scholarships are available for undergraduate and graduate students as well as continuing professionals.
Registration is open!
Courses for 2017 include:
- Black Publics in the Humanities: Critical and Collaborative DH Projects
- Collaboration for Complex Research: Crowdsourcing in the Humanities
- Getting Started with Data, Tools, and Platforms
- Help! I’m a Humanist! — Programming for Humanists with Python
- Humanities Research with Sound: Introduction to Audio Machine Learning
- Introduction to the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) for Historical Documents
- New Approaches to Literary Archives
- Text Analysis
- Working with Scalar
More on scheduleSponsored student scholarships are available for undergraduate and graduate students as well as continuing professionals: http://www.dhtraining.org/hilt2017/important-dates-costs/#scholarships
Registration fees and more: http://www.dhtraining.org/hilt2017/important-dates-costs/