CFP Thursday

CFP: The Digital and Democracy, Nov. 1-2, 2018, Case Western Reserve University

Thursday, November 1, 2018 (All day) to Friday, November 2, 2018 (All day)

We are still accepting proposals for the 2018 Digital Scholarship Colloquium, The Digital and Democracy, at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio,  for papers, posters, panels, and/or demonstrations from scholars, students, librarians/archivists, technologists, non-profit researchers, and community organizers that interrogate the ways that digital tools work to either uphold or upend democracy. The colloquium is an opportunity to connect people to the scholarly work and digital tools that directly or indirectly affects their lives and civil liberties.

The conference will be held Thursday, November 1, 2018 – Friday, November 2, 2018.

Proposals will fall into one of three categories:

Methodology: Proposed submissions discuss digital scholarship projects as case studies, including their workflows and best practices.

Theory: Proposed submissions discuss theoretical topics around digital scholarship, such as the ethics of big data, impact measurement, DS labor practices, or DS classroom pedagogy.

Workshops: Proposed submissions aim to teach attendees a skill using a specific digital tool, e.g. text mining with Voyant, a quick intro to Timeline JS, or how to “hydrate” social media data. Attendees would bring laptops to these sessions.

Proposals may include, but are not limited to topics related to healthcare, law, social sciences, housing, the environment, or social justice activism, such as:

  • Geospatial analysis of gerrymandering
  • Using big data to fight the opioid crisis
  • Algorithmic bias and predictive policing
  • Digital surveillance and constitutional rights
  • Equitable labor and cultural production
  • Net neutrality and digital access

Proposals should clearly connect to the theme of democracy and digital scholarship and identify action-oriented takeaways or opportunities for collaboration in and out of academia. Proposals where academics or nonprofit researchers are analyzing community-based projects should include members of that community on the panel. Proposals should evince a range of perspectives and identities among presenters.

Here are examples of Digital Scholarship Colloquium past programs.

Please submit your proposals here. All submissions must be received by May 30, 2018, and notifications of acceptance will be sent by June.

Accepted papers will have the opportunity to be published in an open access journal created by Case Western Reserve University and hosted in our institutional repository, Digital Case.

Link to CFP

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Call for Papers: “Whither Islamicate Digital Humanities: Analytics, Tools, Corpora”


Funded by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences & the Netherlands eScience Center

Hosted by the “Bridging the Gap” project, Utrecht University (NLD), and the Digital Islamic Humanities Project, Brown University (RI, USA)

Keynotes: Elias Muhanna and Eric Atwell

“Whither Islamicate Digital Humanities? Analytics, Tools, Corpora” is a three-day international conference dedicated to the budding field of Islamicate Digital Humanities (IDH). In recent years, the number of projects, initiatives and research programs in this field has greatly increased. Recognition of these efforts has already resulted in the formulation of guidelines for the evaluation of digital scholarship by the Middle East Studies Association, as well as a recent proposal for a set of principles to guide scholarly corpus building (IJMES 50, “Roundtable”). These developments signal a field gradually coming of age. Yet, most scholars would also agree that much work remains to be done before a plug-and-play, one-click survey of the vast Islamicate textual heritage becomes even remotely realistic. This conference seeks to take stock and showcase efforts currently underway in global IDH text-mining and identify ways of promoting collaboration and synergy.



The building of scholarly corpora is a crucial factor in the further development of IDH. How to make sure that these corpora are not only useful for the researchers who created them, but also for others who wish to benefit from them in the future? How to address the issue of past and present selection biases in the building of corpora? How truly Islamicate are existing efforts in linguistic terms? How should we take into account issues of copyright and citability in the building of pre-modern and modern corpora? Which corpora have been built in the area of Islamicate DH? Which ones are currently under construction? Which ones should (or should not) be built in the future?


From stemming to text-reuse and topic modelling, a range of analytical tools have been developed in recent years (or are being developed) to enable digital analysis of various corpora. This section will feature hands-on presentations that introduce and critically discuss a number of these tools. Which tools deliver the best results? Which are useful for the broader scholarly community? How can we promote the interoperability and sustainability of these tools? How can we create tools that use the peculiarities of the Islamicate textual heritage?


While many successful applications of IDH replicate existing and well-proven qualitative research methods, how does IDH open up possibilities for new questions and methods? This section invites papers especially in the emergent area of Cultural Analytics, that is, “the analysis of massive cultural datasets and flows using computational and visualization techniques”. How can we combine the possibilities of computational analysis of quantitative data (distant reading) with qualitative research methods (close reading)? What is good practice in Islamicate, digitally driven Cultural Analytics? What are convincing (and perhaps not so convincing) examples of the research done so far in IDH?

The conference organizers explicitly welcome papers about Islamicate languages other than Arabic, with the intention of discussing the contours of a globally conceived Islamicate DH.

Please send, by the deadline of May 31, your title and paper proposal (< 500 words) to

A number of travel grants are available for speakers. Please indicate when submitting your proposal whether you think you may need financial assistance in order to attend the conference, and whether you’d be able to come with no or partial funding.

Link to CFP

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CFP: The Caribbean Digital V (St. Augustine, 6-7 December 2018)

The Caribbean Digital V

6-7 December 2018
University of the West Indies, St. Augustine
Trinidad and Tobago
Deadline for proposals: 15 June 2018

Conference website:

Beginning in 2014, The Caribbean Digital has sought to create a generative, multidisciplinary space within which to engage critically with the digital as practice and as historicized societal phenomenon, reflecting on the challenges and opportunities presented by the media technologies that evermore intensely reconfigure the social and geo-political contours of the Caribbean and its diasporas. We are thrilled, in the fifth iteration of this gathering, to site these conversations in the physical space of the region via our collaboration with Dr. Kevin Adonis Browne and the University of the West Indies, St. Augustine.

The continued need for rigorous and ethical engagement with the digital “revolution” is especially immediate among the people of the Caribbean and its diasporas. Information technology remains a significant way in which people frame pressing social problems and political aspirations. Aesthetic media like photography and painting—because they are relatively inexpensive and do not rely on literacy or formal training—are popular among multiple constituencies. Moreover, the Internet is analogous in important ways to the Caribbean itself as dynamic and fluid cultural space: it is generated from disparate places and by disparate peoples; it challenges fundamentally the geographical and physical barriers that disrupt or disallow connection; and it places others and elsewheres in relentless relation. Yet while we celebrate these opportunities for connectedness, we also must make certain that the digital realm undermine and confront rather than re-inscribe forms of silencing and exclusion in the Caribbean.

Following on conversations that animated past events (2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017) we look forward in this fifth public forum to continuing our critical engagement with presentations that explicitly evoke:  

  • the transatlantic, collaborative, and/or interdisciplinary possibilities and limitations of digital technologies in the Caribbean;
  • metaphorical linkages between the digital and such Caribbean philosophical, ethical, and aesthetic concepts as “submarine unity,” the rhizome, Relation, the spiral, repeating islands, creolization, etc.;
  • gendered dimensions of the digital in the Caribbean;
  • the connection between digital technologies and practices of the Caribbean “folk”;
  • specific engagements with digital spaces and/or theories by individual Caribbean artists and intellectuals;
  • the ways in which digital technologies have impacted or shaped understandings of specific Caribbean political phenomena (e.g. sovereignty, reparations, transnationalism, migration, etc.);
  • structural means of facilitating broad engagement, communication, and accessibility in the Caribbean digital context (cultivation of multilingual spaces, attentiveness to the material/hardware limitations of various populations);
  • the ways the digital has brought welcome bibliographic, philological and curatorial attention to endangered or neglected archives in the region.

Both traditional conference papers and integrally multimedia presentations are welcome. We also welcome virtual synchronous participation by presenters who cannot travel to St. Augustine to attend the event. Selected participants from this forum will be encouraged to submit their work to sx archipelagos––an interactive, born-digital, print-possible, peer-reviewed Small Axe Project publication.

Abstracts of 250 words and a short bio should be sent to Alex Gil, Kaiama L. Glover, and Kelly Baker Josephs ( by 15 June 2018. Successful applicants will be notified by 15 July 2018.

Contact Info:

Alex Gil, Kaiama L. Glover, and Kelly Baker Josephs
Contact Email:

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CFP: Science and Technology area, Northeast Popular Culture Association

The Science and Technology area of the Northeast Popular Culture Association encourages paper submissions that explore the relation of science and technology to popular culture and to American culture. Science and technology are broadly defined. Some topics may include:

-science and technology in print and visual culture
-cultural influences on science and technology
-popularization of science and technology
-science education and the celebrity scientist
-science and technology in the museum
-science and the internet
-science, technology, and the future

Scholars and independent researchers from all levels and disciplines are welcome to submit.

Representations of science/scientists in television, film, art, print (newspapers, magazines,novels, comics, etc.), and other media

  • Use of science in popular culture
  • The cultural influence of science
  • Influences of popular culture on science and scientists
  • Internet culture and science
  • Scientists as celebrities, and celebrity advocates of science
  • Popular science and public understandings of science
  • Science communication and education
  • Translations of science into the public domain
  • The public and popular dimensions of scientific debates
  • Science and music
  • History and philosophy of science

Proposals for individual papers or complete panels are due by June 1, 2018. Additional information and guidelines can be found at

Contact Info:

Todd M. Olszewski, Ph.D.
Health Policy and Management
Providence College
Contact Email:

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Critical and Ethical Studies of Digital and Social Media Minitrack at HICSS 52


This minitrack focuses on two themes: a) studies that critically interrogate how and when digital and social media (DSM) support existing power structures or realign power structures affecting underrepresented or marginalized groups, and b) studies that raise awareness of or illustrate the ethical issues associated with doing research on digital and social media. Papers may range in approach/methods and may explore the following topics and more:

  • Effects of DSM use in marginalized youth and other specified communities
  • Perpetuation of gender, race, ethno-nationalist and faith-based hostility and bullying in online environments
  • Presence of distinct values and worldviews in the design of DSM related hardware and software technologies
  • Challenges surrounding the relationship between data collection, use, and dissemination and DSM participation
  • Issues at the intersection of globalization and DSM development and use
  • Non-traditional, participatory, and/or experimental research methods developed for social media scholarship

The minitrack seeks both conceptual and empirical approaches to the theme. Conceptual papers would contribute theoretical examinations of key sociotechnical issues surrounding social and digital media use and research. Empirical papers would draw on original studies of digital and social media that illustrate the critical or ethical dimensions of digital infrastructures, data creation and collection, social and digital media design, or metadata use and reuse.

Minitrack Co-Chairs:

Tonia Sutherland (Primary Contact)
University of Hawaii at Manoa

Jennifer Pierre
University of California, Los Angeles

Link to CFP

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