2021 Data|Media|Digital Graduate Symposium panel details

The 2021 Data|Media|Digital Graduate Symposium panel will take place from 4-6 on Thursday, April 8th. The symposium is a joint collaboration of the New Media & Culture Program, the School of Journalism and Communication, and the Digital Humanities Initiative. We are happy to announce the speakers for this year’s panel:

Faculty Presentation

Dr. Kate Kelp-Stebbins (Assistant Professor, English; Associate Director, Comic Studies Program), “Heat Maps and Comic Strips: Visual Tactics for Capturing Migrants in Europe.”

Graduate Presentations

Emily Lawhead (PhD, History of Art and Architecture) will present a paper entitled “Collecting Code: Digital Design at the Victoria & Albert Museum.”

Sofia Vicente-Vidal (PhD, Anthropology) will present a paper entitled “Networks of World Heritage Management.”

Zane Casimir (MA, History of Art and Architecture) will present a paper entitled  “A Picturesque Display of Art: What we can learn from Animal Crossing New Horizons’ Procedural Version of Art, Art History, and Museum-Going.”


Stay tuned for information on registration and a link for virtual attendance.

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