Tues. May 17: HA&A Sponenburgh Lecture

Tues. May 17th, 2022: HA&A Sponenburgh Lecture
DR. NICOLA CAMERLENGHI (Associate Professor, Dartmouth College)
“Sculpture at the Basilica of St. Paul in Rome: A Digital Approach to 1600 Years of History”

Nicola Camerlenghi is Associate Professor at Dartmouth College where he teaches and researches early Christian and medieval architecture with a focus on the city of Rome. He is particularly invested in approaching these topics through digital tools, such as Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, GIS Mapping, 3D Modeling, Photogrammetry, and Laser Scanning.

TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2022 5:30 | MCKENZIE HALL 229
ZOOM LINK: https://uoregon.zoom.us/j/92138652758

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