Next Week: Algorithmic Bias Workshop


Fri. February 18th, 2PM, LLCS (Living Learning Center South) 101
Part of the Responsible Data Science Workshop Series (Winter and Spring 2022)

The “Responsible Data Science” series is a joint venture of the UO Data Science Initiative, Department of Philosophy, School of Law, and Oregon Health Sciences University. Each workshop in the series will focus on a different topic of concern for data-centric research environments. The first workshop is coming up on Friday, February 18th at 2:00 in LLCS (Living Learning Center South) 101, on the topic of Algorithmic Bias with NMCC faculty-affiliate, Ramon Alvarado (Assistant Professor of Philosophy).

The Algorithmic Bias Workshop will offer a set of conceptual tools for identifying forms of bias at different stages of the machine learning pipeline. We will also explore strategies for mitigating the unwanted effects of algorithmic bias. If these issues are relevant to your work, please come, bring a computer, and be prepared with questions.

Advanced Registration Requested: send a quick email indicating interest to Paul Showler in the Philosophy Department at Please be sure and include your name, position title, and campus affiliation.

NMCC Winter 2022 Virtual Q+A

The New Media and Culture Certificate is a transdisciplinary program open to graduate students working at the intersection of new media and culture in any masters or Ph.D. program at the University of Oregon.

The NMCC connects you to students working at the intersection of new media and culture and a wide range of topics from different disciplinary backgrounds, as well as affiliated faculty committed to providing support for new media scholars at UO, regardless of their home department.

Though you’re welcome to apply at any point in their studies, there are limits to the number of credits taken before acceptance into the Certificate program that can count toward NMCC requirements. As such, you should apply as early in your graduate program as possible, and ideally as soon as you decide you want to pursue NMCC. Applications for the program are due by the middle of Week 5 every term. For Winter 2022, that deadline is fast approaching: Tuesday, February 1st.

Join us for a Virtual Q&A session on Friday, January 28th, 3-5 PM. Drop by any time with your questions + queries about the application process or the program more broadly.

Join us:

NMCC Winter 2022 Virtual Q+A
Date + Time: Friday, January 28th, 3-5 PM
Zoom Link:
Passcode: protocol


REGISTER NOW: Virtual Book Launch — “Fredi Washington: A Reader in Black Feminist Media Criticism”

Thurs, February 3rd, 3 PM, Virtual Book Launch
Fredi Washington: A Reader in Black Feminist Media Criticism

Join NMCC faculty affiliate Carol Stabile and the Reanimate Publishing Collective for a celebration and discussion of Fredi Washington: A Reader in Black Feminist Media Criticism, with special guest speaker Laurie Avant Woodard (City College of New York).

Published as part of the Reanimate publishing collective’s commitment to recovering the unheard voices of women and women of color in media industries, Fredi Washington transcribes the 305 columns Washington wrote for The People’s Voice and makes them available in open access format through the University of Minnesota Press’s Manifold platform. The reader also includes an introduction to the life and work of Washington written by Laurie Avant Woodard, who is writing the much-awaited first biography of Washington.


DEADLINE EXTENDED❗CFP: 4th Annual D|M|D Graduate Student Symposium

Call for Submissions: 4th Annual D|M|D Graduate Student Symposium
submissions due: Wednesday, January 12th, 2022
DEADLINE EXTENDED: submissions now due Feb. 1st, 2022

We invite submissions for 15-minute presentations from UO graduate students on any aspect of Data, Media, or Digital Studies for a symposium to be held on Friday, April 1st (week 1 of spring term). The annual Data|Media|Digital Symposium will return, with much anticipation, to our traditional in-person day-long format this year. Presentations can be based on work in progress or on research and work in the final stages of development. Proposals should specify clear scholarly or pedagogical goals, and should articulate how the design or argument of a data/media/digital project might address those goals. Any kind of data studies, media studies, or digital studies project is welcome (if you aren’t sure if your project fits our call, then it probably does, but please get in touch and we can offer you our guidance).

The Data|Media|Digital Symposium will be an opportunity to showcase the exciting multi-disciplinary work being produced by graduate students across campus. We look forward to sustaining cross-disciplinary conversations and building inter-departmental community over the course of the day. To facilitate this goal, student participants are expected to attend all three panel sessions comprising the symposium (to the extent that their teaching and academic schedules will allow). In addition to panel sessions, we will have informal time for discussion over food and drinks, a hosted lunch, and a panel featuring presentations by two UO faculty members.

Submission Details: Send your submission to by the end of day (11:59 PM) on Wednesday, January 12th (during week 2 of winter term) Tuesday, February 1st, 2022 (note: deadline has been extended❗). Submissions should include two documents (as separate PDFs): a submission file and your CV. Your submission PDF must include: your name, your UO department or program, your presentation title, and a brief 250-to-500 word abstract (or executive summary) of your proposed presentation.  Decisions about all submissions will be conveyed by early February.

Questions about D|M|D can be directed to any member of our co-organizing committee:

Click HERE for a plain-text PDF flyer of this CFP.

FRI Nov. 19th, NMCC Invited Panel: “Model Realities: Technological Projections & Their Politics”

JOIN US for the NMCC FALL 2021 Invited Panel:
MODEL REALITIES: Technological Projections & Their Politics

in-person: Friday, Nov. 19th, 2:00-4:30 PM
Crater Lake Room (EMU 145/146)

Lexi Neame, Visiting Assistant Professor of Political Science, Reed College:
“Model Affordances: Climate Science and the Prophetic Tradition”

Jake Fraser, Assistant Professor of German and Humanities, Reed College:
“The Reality of Computer Simulation: Cybernetics and the History of Simulated Futures”

Followed by Refreshments + NMCC Community Social.

NEXT WEEK: The Art of the News Symposium @ the Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art

THE ART OF THE NEWS SYMPOSIUM: November 19th – 20th

The symposium will feature artists from “The Art of the News: Comics Journalism” exhibit at the JSMA: Joe Sacco, Sarah Mirk, Gerardo Alba, Dan Archer, Tracy Chahwan, Jesús Cossio, Ben Passmore, and Andy Warner.

Curated by NMCC faculty affiliate Katherine Kelp-Stebbins (Assistant Professor, English), with associate curator and director of Comics Studies, Ben Saunders (Professor, English), The Art of the News is the “first major retrospective devoted to this increasingly influential genre of visual narrative.”

Symposium Schedule:

Friday, November 19 
12-12:30pm: Opening Remarks, JSMA Ford Hall
1-2:30pm: Artist Roundtable (Alba, Archer, Mirk, Passmore), JSMA Ford Hall
3-4:30pm: Artist Talks in the Gallery (Chahwan, Cossio, Sacco, Warner), JSMA Barker Gallery
5:30-7pm: An Evening with Joe Sacco, PLC 180

Saturday, November 20
12-1:30pm: Graduate Panel—Describing Comics Journalism, JSMA Ford Hall
2-3:30pm: Artist Roundtable (Chahwan, Cossio, Sacco, Warner), JSMA Ford Hall
4-5:30pm: Artist Talks in the Gallery (Alba, Archer, Mirk, Passmore), JSMA Barker Gallery

NMCC Winter 2022 Course Listing

Initial Registration for Winter Term 2022 runs November 15th through the 24th; below are the NMCC’s course offerings for the term.

The NMCC Common Seminar will be offered only once this year, in Winter. Note that this course is not reserved for NMCC students only. If you’re taking it next term, you should enroll as soon as possible to guarantee your place.

If you are curious if a course not listed on the website can count towards the certificate, please check out our course petition process or contact us at for more information.

THIS FALL: Lumi Tan and Andrew Thomas Huang @ UO Fall 2021 Visiting Artist Lectures

Image source: Baseera Khan, By Faith, 2020, The Kitchen at Queenslab. Photo: Ariana Sarwari.

Lumi Tan: “Invisible Rooms: Performance and Institutions”
Critical Conversations Lecture

Thursday, October 28, 4:00 PM
Live on zoom and on the Department of Art Facebook.
Free and open to the public; details here.

Lumi Tan will speak about “the ways in which performance practices shift institutional value systems through her work curating time-based art for the white cube gallery, black box theater, and most recently, the computer screen. Thinking of issues of process, intimacy, documentation, audience, and site, Tan will connect this current work to the historical context of The Kitchen and the role of small scale institutions in the contemporary art ecosystem.”

Image source: Still from FKA Twigs – “Cellophane” directed by Andrew Thomas Huang.

Andrew Thomas Huang: “Queer Morphologies & Digital Spirits”
Davis Family Lecture

Thursday, November 18, 4:00 p.m.
Lawrence Hall, Room 177
Free and open to the public; details here.

Huang will share an overview of his “mixed media filmmaking career which interweaves live action, visual effects, puppetry and animation with his passion for folklore, mythology and queer futurism. The lecture will explore the process of world building and focus on the emergence of hybrid methodologies within one’s visual practice. This talk will also explore how combining digital tools with performance can enable new forms of self-reinvention and the construction of digital identities.”

Both lectures are part of the Department of Art and the Center for Art Research’s Fall 2021 Visiting Artist Lectures.