Category: Grants + Funding

Mozilla Announces $225,000 for Art and Advocacy Exploring Artificial Intelligence


“Today, we are opening applications for a new round of Mozilla awards. We’re awarding $225,000 to technologists and media makers who help the public understand how threats to a healthy internet affect their everyday lives.


Specifically, we’re seeking projects that explore artificial intelligence and machine learning. In a world where biased algorithms, skewed data sets, and broken recommendation engines can radicalize YouTube userspromote racism, and spread fake news, it’s more important than ever to support artwork and advocacy work that educates and engages internet users.

These awards are part of the NetGain Partnership, a collaboration between Mozilla, Ford Foundation, Knight Foundation, MacArthur Foundation, and the Open Society Foundation. The goal of this philanthropic collaboration is to advance the public interest in the digital age.”


Read the full post here

Faculty CFP: Digital Scholarship Center Faculty Grant Program

The University of Oregon Libraries’ Digital Scholarship Center (DSC) has begun a new internal-UO grant program for faculty (individuals and small groups) interested in developing digital projects for research and teaching. This year, the Libraries will accept proposals until April 30, 2018, end of day. The Libraries will work with grant award winners to implement the selected digital projects sometime during the 2018-2019 academic year or earlier, depending upon the faculty members’ availability. As needed, grantees will receive DSC design services, project management support, digital collection development, technology support, metadata consultation, and more from the Libraries. Collaborative projects that combine internal and external funding and other special programs are welcome. Continue reading

NMCC GE Position

The New Media & Culture Certificate is hiring for a .49 GE position for the 2017-2018 academic year! Preference will be given to current participants in the program, so please apply!


We are seeking a highly-motivated and research-oriented graduate student for a position as an assistant to the Director of the New Media and Culture Graduate Certificate Program (NMCC).  The successful applicant will work closely with the Director on projects and tasks that will help you enhance your existing skill sets in: social media strategy, curating a cross-platform web presence that includes blogging and basic website development in addition to a variety of social media, networking with UO faculty and outreach with UO students, and basic skills in research, writing, and presentation.  The job duties for this position will be focused on social media engagement, digital humanities toolkits, research, and writing; the position will additionally include administrative duties assisting with regular program operations.

For more information on NMCC please visit our website at:

Specific job duties will include:

  • Collaboratively updating and expanding NMCC’s social media presence across twitter, Instagram, facebook, email subscription list, and other platforms standard in academia and industry
  • Collaboratively updating and improving the NMCC blog; curating a regular stream of content geared toward an interdisciplinary group of students all focused on the study and use of new media in their work
  • Researching events, conferences, and other opportunities of value to the NMCC students in order to publicize these opportunities.
  • Active outreach with NMCC faculty and students in order to curate an online presence featuring some of the best work in new media and culture going on across campus; collaborate with NMCC Director on a year-long research and development project to employ existing digital humanities curation and presentation platforms to design user experiences for navigating this content
  • Researching UO course offerings focused on new media and culture, communication with faculty offering these courses, and maintaining data on these courses.
  • Assist NMCC Director in managing applicants to the program and maintaining a database of current and past students; including meeting with students and NMCC Director on occasion
  • Assist NMCC Director and collaborating faculty across campus in preparing for a variety outreach events including NMCC Open Houses, NMCC sponsored events (workshops, lectures, etc.), and the UO Graduate Fair.
  • Assist with other NMCC administrative tasks, as needed
  • Meeting regularly with NMCC Director (on an approximately weekly basis, and more frequently leading up to and following registration)
  • Meeting quarterly with NMCC Director to assist in preparation of quarterly reports
  • Performing other duties as assigned

Graduate students pursuing any master’s or doctoral degree may apply.

Preferred Qualifications:
  • Preference will be given to PhD Students (but this is not a requirement, and all interested UO graduate students are encouraged to apply)
  • Preference will be given to NMCC graduate students (but this is not a requirement, and all interested UO graduate students are encouraged to apply)
  • Strong writing and editing skills
  • Social media development and maintenance skills (preference for experience)
  • Familiarity and efficiency with a variety of basic software suites, including: social media platforms (especially Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram), digital humanities tools (e.g., Omeka, Voyant Tools, TaDiRAH, Google Ngram), internet search engines, data retrieval & organization methods, word processing software (e.g., MS Word and Google Docs), spreadsheet software (e.g., MS Excel)
  • Basic web development experience (at a beginner or above level) is a plus
  • Interdisciplinary interests and some interdisciplinary research experience
  • Exceptional organizational skills and attention to detail
  • Ability to communicate effectively with faculty, staff, and students in writing, over the phone, and in person
  • Self-motivation and ability to work independently

Deadline: May 25th – Open until Filled

Full Position Posting

Application Procedure: 

Submit your application via email with subject line titled “NMCC GE Application” to Colin Koopman, incoming NMCC Director,

Your application should include:

  1. cover letter explaining your interest and applicable skills in relation to this position
  2. brief (no more than 1 side of 1 page) resumé of your social media and web development experience
  3. academic cv
  4. names and contact information for at least two references.


EdTech Winter School

EdTech Winter School: Emerging trends and new horizons in the study of education and technology

Ceibal Foundation is organizing the 1st EdTech Winter School to take place in Uruguay, called “Emerging trends and new horizons in the study of education and technology”. The event will gather postgraduate students and early career academics from the main higher educational institutions in the country and the Latin American region. The Winter School is organized in partnership with ANII (Agencia Nacional de Investigación e Innovación)Departamento de Comunicación and Departamento de Educación (Universidad Católica del Uruguay), Universidad ORTFLACSO UruguayUniversidad de Montevideo and Facultad de Ingeniería (Universidad de la República).It aims to offer a stimulating learning environment for participants to present and discuss key challenges, research trends and opportunities, to foresee new horizons in education, learning and teaching practices enhanced by digital technologies.


The Winter School will offer an exciting opportunity for postgraduate students and early career faculties to present and discuss relevant EdTech policies and research for studying the future of education and technology, innovation and inclusion in the coming decade.

Winter School participants will also be invited to:

a) Collaborate in a special publication that will be prepared, where attendees will disseminate the results of their studies;

b) Explore future collaborations in areas of common interest;

c) Become a Ceibal Foundation’s affiliate and participate in collective books publications, dissemination of academic works in the Institutional Repository of Ceibal Foundation, among other scientific initiatives.

PROGRAMME (4 days +1 open day)

3rd July until the 6th July 2017. Open day – 7th July 2017

During a week of academic and social activities, candidates are expected to gain valuable knowledge, skills and meaningful perspectives in the fields of EdTech, innovation and inclusion. The official language of the event will be English. The programme will combine keynote lectures, training and participating in joint project-based learning.

19th May 2017 – Deadline for submitting applications


Nominations for the 2017 NMC Henderson Prize

The NMC Henderson Prize was created by the NMC in honor of Don Henderson to recognize individuals who have displayed exemplary ongoing passion for teaching, learning, and innovation in higher education, schools, museums, or libraries. Don Henderson is the NMC’s longest serving board member, and his creativity, curiosity, compassion, and deep commitment to education have been evident throughout his service to the NMC, and reflects the values that the Henderson Prize rewards. The winner will be awarded $2,500 to put toward their life’s work of sparking innovation, learning, and creativity. 

As his colleague, Pulitzer Prize winning photographer Bill Frakes noted, “Don brings incredible intelligence, energy, and zest along with total curiosity and openness to everything he does.”

“As one of the world’s top education organizations, any recognition from NMC is special, but when it’s a prize named for the hugely inspiring Don Henderson, it is a seriously big deal,” shared former winner Jonathan Nalder. “The NMC community is chock full of innovators and leaders, and winning this award super-charged my belief in myself and what I could achieve next — as well as doubling-down on the love I feel for my NMC tribe.”

How to Enter, Policies, and Eligibility

Nominating an Outstanding Educator

Submit an online entry at the form included on this web page with your nomination. You are welcome to nominate yourself or another exemplary individual. Please consult our policies, below, before submitting your nomination by May 19, 2017.


  • There is a limit of one entry submitted by the same individual.
  • By submitting a nomination for the NMC Henderson Prize, individuals are granting permission for the NMC to use promotional images or excerpts from the submissions provided by the entrants to showcase entries on NMC’s website, social media, professional development programs, and for archival purposes.
  • The competition is not responsible for incomplete submissions.
  • You are not required to be a NMC member to submit a nomination or be considered for the prize.


Individuals are eligible to submit self-nominations or to nominate another educator. We will not accept submissions for nominees that have won the NMC Henderson Prize in the past. (Previous winners can be found here.)



The NMC Henderson Prize recognizes those who have displayed exemplary ongoing passion for teaching, learning, and innovation in higher education, schools, museums, or libraries. The nominators and others involved in the selection process remain anonymous as a core principle of the program. They are chosen from individuals identified in the greater NMC community, and represent a considerable diversity of knowledge.

The NMC Henderson Prize winner should represent the very best of the community of innovators that is the NMC, and should exemplify the vision that brings us all together. This criteria and success for the award will be evidenced by:

Known for individual curiosity and promoting experimentation among others

Exemplary dedication to innovation in teaching and learning

Diversity of Knowledge
Demonstrated broad depth of knowledge about thoughtful application of technology in learning environments

Distinguished track record of achievements

Forward-thinking, ahead of the game, and/or innovator status of a new pedagogical integration of technology

Nominations are due by May 19, 2017.

PhD Program at National University of Ireland Galway

National University of Ireland Galway invites applications for a four-year structured PhD scholarship in Digital Arts & Humanities to commence in September 2017.

Full Application Details

Deadline: 5pm on Friday 14 April 2017.

The Structured PhD in Digital Arts & Humanities at NUI Galway is a full-time four-year interdisciplinary programme from which seven students have graduated since its inception in 2011. This PhD programme provides fourth-level researchers with the platform, structures, partnerships, and innovation models to engage and collaborate with a wide range of academics and practitioners. Our ambition is for students to contribute to the developing digital arts and humanities community world-wide. The programme welcomes proposals on the use of digital tools and methodologies in the scholarly analysis of cultural texts and phenomena, and on practice-based research in digital art and media. Students will gain exposure to transferable skills in digital content creation and analysis that are academically and professionally beneficial.

Programme Structure:

  • introduce students to the history of and theoretical issues in digital arts and humanities
  • provide the skills needed to apply advanced computational and information management paradigms to arts and/or humanities research
  • create a framework for students to develop generic and transferable skills to complete the required work for the award of the PhD. Work placements at pertinent institutions may also form part of the scholarship.

Application Process:

Entrants should have a first-class or upper second-class honours primary degree within a relevant discipline and (preferably) a completed a Master?s degree in a relevant discipline.

Digital Humanities proposals should include a strong and clearly defined digital component, either as a core method of research and dissemination, or as a subject of research in itself. Proposals may address any topic within Digital Humanities, including (but not limited to): archives & preservation; authorship attribution; classical studies; corpus analysis; crowdsourcing; historical studies; interdisciplinary collaboration; internet history; literary studies; natural language processing; ontologies; scholarly editing; stylistics and stylometry; text-mining; textual studies; visualisation.

Digital Arts proposals may examine questions such as artistic practice informed by digital media; the intersection between artistic creativity and technological innovation; or the impact of the digital on the form, structure, and function of narrative. Proposals for practice-based doctorates are welcome as well as traditional academic formats.

Previous Digital Arts & Humanities PhD students have also worked closely with researchers at the Insight Centre for Data Analytics in Galway.

Prospective applicants are strongly advised to identify and correspond with potential supervisors for their research proposal before submitting a scholarship application.

Submitting an Application:

Application should be made online at the Postgraduate Application Centre: PAC code: GYG38. They must include:

  • One sample of academic writing (e.g. a recent BA or MA course essay)
  • Evidence of previous achievements in digital media or art practice (for practice-based PhD applicants only).
  • a 1500-word research proposal structured under the following headings
    • Description of proposed research (800 words): clearly describe the subject and scope of your research, and the proposed outcomes in terms of the creation of new resources, tools, knowledge transfer, etc. You should indicate the critical problems or research questions you propose to address in the thesis component of your PhD, as well as any digital outputs that may arise from your work.
    • Context (350 words): describe, as far as you can tell, the extent of the existing academic and digital work in your area of interest. You should be able to explain how your research will challenge or extend this existing topic.
    • Methodology (250 words): specific methodologies and technologies you expect to employ
    • Sources and Archives (100 words):a preliminary indication of the primary and secondary material

4 year PhD Scholarships

The School of Arts, Technology and Emerging Communication (ATEC) at the University of Texas at Dallas invites applications for its graduate programs beginning in Fall 2017.  We seek students who appreciate the opportunities of cross-disciplinary education, who aspire to be visionary scholars, researchers, teachers and artists.

ATEC currently offers three graduate programs:  The Masters of Arts (MA), the Masters of Fine Arts (MFA), and the Ph.D.  Research areas for all graduate students include culture and technology studies, game studies, game development, computer animation, communication studies, critical media studies, media psychology, interaction design, and creative practice.

Current labs, studios, and research areas include:

  • ArtSci Lab
  • Cultural Science Lab
  • Creative Automata Lab
  • Fashioning Circuits Lab
  • Future Immersive Virtual Environments (FIVE) Lab
  • Institute for Research in Anticipatory Systems (ANTE)
  • Narrative Systems Research Lab
  • Public Interactives Research Lab (PIRL)
  • Social Practice and Community Engagement Media (SP&CE) Lab
  • 3-D Modeling Studio

Collaboration is the foundation of every program.  Students collaborate with faculty, with each other, and with colleagues from other schools, institutions, museums, and galleries. ATEC faculty are dedicated teachers who embrace project-based learning, collaborative creative practice, and critical analysis and social science research methods.  Students are encouraged to join lab-based projects, collaborate on experimental art and media productions, and engage in critical and social scientific research.

Funding is available for outstanding doctoral students for 4 years of study.  Funding support includes two years of fellowship (year 1 and year 4) and two years of teaching assistantships (year 2 and year 3).  Tuition is covered by the School.  Students in the MA and MFA programs may also be funded through research assistantships and teaching assistantships.

Applicants for the Ph. D program must have earned a master’s level degree in a relevant field, and submit a portfolio that includes a written essay of interest, an example of academic writing, and evidence of creative practice or research experience.

For further information about the doctoral program, please contact Ph.D. adviser Christine Messick

General inquiries can be sent to Dr. Monica Evans, Associate Dean for Graduate Programs in ATEC

Deadline for consideration of funding and financial aid:  January 15, 2017.  

Contact for further details.

ACLS Digital Extension Grants

ACLS Digital Extension Grants - deadline January 25, 2017

The American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) is pleased to invite applications for grants to support the extension of digital scholarship in the humanities.

ACLS Digital Extension Grants, made possible by the generous assistance of The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, will support teams of scholars as they enhance established digital projects with the goal of engaging new audiences across a range of academic communities and institutions.

All applications must be received by 9pm EST, January 25, 2017

The Digital Extension Grant program builds upon the successes of ACLS’s recently concluded Digital Innovation Fellowship program, which over ten years funded 60 scholars pursuing computationally sophisticated approaches to humanistic research. In recognition of the collaborative nature of much digital scholarship,  the Digital Extension Grant program provides flexible support at the level of the digital research project as opposed to the individual scholar.

ACLS Digital Extension Grants may:

  • Extend established digital projects and resources with content that adds diversity or interdisciplinary reach
  • Develop new systems of making established digital resources available to broader audiences and/or scholars from diverse institutions
  • Foster new team-based work or collaborations that allow scholars from institutions with limited digital infrastructure to exploit digital resources
  • Create new forms and sites for scholarly engagement with the digital humanities. Projects that document and recognize participant engagement are strongly encouraged
  • Support projects aimed at preserving and making sustainable established digital projects and content.

ACLS will award up to six Digital Extension Grants in this competition year. Each grant provides funding of up to $125,000 to support a range of project costs, including, where necessary, salary replacement for faculty or staff. As this program places special emphasis on extending access to digital research opportunities to scholars working at US colleges and universities of all categories, applicants also may request up to an additional $25,000 to fund concrete plans to collaborate with and build networks among scholars from US higher education institutions of diverse profiles. Thus each grant carries a maximum possible award of $150,000.

Proposals must be submitted through ACLS’s online application system

Further information about the program, eligibility criteria, and application materials is available online at

Questions may be directed to (link sends e-mail).

Converge: Disciplinarities and Digital Scholarship

CFP - Converge: Disciplinarities and Digital Scholarship

For design educators and scholars, the potential to traverse cross-/multi-/inter-/trans- disciplinary lines is boundless, and opportunities for these convergences have perhaps never been so prevalent. Of particular relevance to design is digital scholarship, which has been defined as “the use of digital evidence and method, digital authoring, digital publishing, digital curation and preservation, and digital use and reuse of scholarship” (Rumsey, 2011). Each of these activities involves design to some degree. Further, many of the concerns of the field of design are interdisciplinary, and converge with those in the humanities and STEM fields, in theory and practice. All three fields are engaged with critical forms of making to facilitate understanding, explore emerging technologies, and communicate information visually. While all of this bodes well for designers and design educators, we still face challenges regarding how to form, structure and maintain collaborations.

AIGA Design Educators Conference
AIGA Converge: Disciplinarities and Digital Scholarship

June 1 – 3, 2017
School of Cinematic Arts (SCA)
University of Southern California, Los Angeles

Proposal Deadline: January 15, 2017 

Download full CFP

Converge: Disciplinarities and Digital Scholarship encourages design educators, design researchers, and designers to take advantage of opportunities in digital scholarship, learn how to collaborate on interdisciplinary projects, and find new intersections within their existing research trajectories. This will help us to work together to redefine what it means to be a designer and a design researcher today.

We seek a variety of proposals related to the intersection of design and digital scholarship —

How can design converge with digital scholarship in more than a superficial way? How might aspects of digital scholarship impact design research? What are the key questions at the intersection of design and the humanities?

Other possible topics:

  • the role of design in generating new knowledge
  • design and new forms of scholarly communication
  • speculative design and humanistic inquiry
  • designing tools for thinking
  • case studies of successful (or unsuccessful!) collaborations
  • design and visualization
  • the intersection of critical making and design

Find full information on proposal variations and deadlines here.

Arts and Visual Literary Arts Residence Programs at Rockefeller Foundation


The Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Residency Program offers academics, artists, thought leaders, policymakers, and practitioners a serene setting conducive to focused, goal-oriented work, and the unparalleled opportunity to establish new connections with fellow residents from a wide array of backgrounds, disciplines, and geographies. All in hopes of supporting the generation of important new knowledge addressing some of the most complex issues facing our world, and innovative new works of art that inspire reflection and understanding of global and social issues.

The Rockefeller Foundation seeks applicants with projects that contribute to discourse and progress related to its dual goals:

  1. Advancing inclusive economies that expand opportunities for more broadly shared prosperity
  2. Building resilience by helping people, communities and institutions prepare for, withstand, and emerge stronger from acute shocks and chronic stresses.

To achieve these goals, The Rockefeller Foundation works at the intersection of four related focus areas: Advance Health, Revalue Ecosystems, Secure Livelihoods, and Transform Cities. Applicants with projects that may help shape thinking or catalyze action in these areas are also strongly encouraged to apply.

Deadline – December 1, 2016 for residencies in 2017.

*find full information and submission details here*

The Arts & Literary Arts residency is for composers, fiction and non-fiction writers, playwrights, poets, video/filmmakers, and visual artists who share in The Rockefeller Foundation’s mission of promoting the well-being of humanity around the world and whose work is inspired by or relates to global or social issues. The residency is for artists seeking time for disciplined work, reflection, and collegial engagement with a diverse community of academics, practitioners, and artists.bellaio-center-1-e1427591006478The Bellagio Center typically offers residencies of two to four weeks for no more than 15 residents at a time. Collegial interaction within the community of residents is an integral dimension of the Bellagio experience. Meals and informal presentations of residents’ work afford an opportunity for dynamic discussions and engagement within and across disciplines. To help build connections across one another’s work, residents are also offered opportunities to interact with participants from international conferences that are hosted in other buildings on the Bellagio Center’s grounds.

The Bellagio Center also encourages collaborative residencies for up to three people working on the same project. In particular, team projects that bring residents together from different geographies, institutions, or disciplines are especially sought after to further the Center’s goal of establishing new connections amongst diverse groups of individuals.

Applicant Qualifications: Demonstrate significant professional contributions to your field, or evidence of a strong upward professional trajectory

Theme of the proposed project: Introduce new thinking and knowledge into field of study. Work that is inspired by or relates to global or social issues are encouraged. Projects that are aligned with and/or will inform the Foundation’s strategic goals to advance more Inclusive Economics and build Resilience especially suited to Bellagio.

Suitability: Projects that require special equipment onsite, excursions off the grounds, or access to research libraries ar e not suited.

Successful applicants can clearly articulate how the multi-disciplinary mindset of the Bellagio contribute to their work.